Metal Albums
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In 1995, Los del Rio infected popular dance culture with their one-hit wonder, “The Macarena”, the U.S. national debt was only $5,000,000,000,000 (five trillion), both eBay and Craigslist were birthed into popular culture, Taco Bell offered The Volcano Burrito and The Double Decker Taco menu items for a limited time (each for less than $1.00, btw), and O.J. Simpson was acquitted thanks (in no small part) to Robert Kardashian, the man who would ultimately become responsible for fueling the success of Gary Holt’s incredibly popular line of outerwear.
Meanwhile, in the world of 1995 metal, Kyuss called it quits shortly after releasing “…And The Circus Leaves Town” and DOWN unleashed their debut masterpiece “NOLA” on the EXACT SAME DAY that Dream Theater released their first EP featuring their 23-minute epic title track, “A Change Of Seasons”!
Get ready to find out what a “Coyote Disaster” actually sounds like, be mindful that when it comes to playing music in a live setting, some of us can play “topless” and some of us need a “sports bra”. Hear our thoughts regarding the upcoming “Back To The Beginning” final Black Sabbath concert event, listen carefully for a handful of not so subtle “R.E.M. references”, learn “how to scream at people in Braille”, and brace yourself for the record scratch heard ‘round the world (after embracing your “Patreon privilege”) when you JOIN US to find out “how they all talk” as we travel back in time to THE YEAR IN METAL – 1995.
Show Notes:
(00:01): “I’ve thought about something…”/ “That’s not consistent…it’s not the same…”/ #JoJoRabbit / “YEAH!!!”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “I never saw him play topless…he could have done a sports bra…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST COMING AT YOU FROM THE DIGITAL BUNKERPOON!!!*** / “There’s something to remember when it comes to nasty, mean things you say to people…”/ #recordscratch / “This has got nothing to do with metal…”/ “Make this a #Patreon…”/ #talkies / “How do you scream at somebody who’s deaf?”/ #youjustmouthit / “Dude, they can’t hear this, don’t worry about it…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, HEAD TO #THEDOCKET ***
(06:24): ***Head over to patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast to JOIN US over there!!!*** / #patreonshoutout / “Do you not like when I do that, dude?”/ #PatreonPrivilege / “How about a beer, bitches?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode /
Beer of the Episode
Mikro Bose German Pilsner
#SceptreBrewing #MikroBose / “If it was liquid nitrogen cold…” / ***Check us out on ALL the social media, including #TikTok #Instagram #Facebook #YouTube at #MetalNerderyPodcast and EMAIL US at metalnerdery@gmail.com or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #whoareyou / #ThePost / “Comin’ out of a K-hole…”/ Thoughts regarding the final #BlackSabbath show in July 2025 / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / “That’s me in the spotlight…” / “I was literally thinking that as you were saying it…”/ #sayinggoodbye / “The fact that he’s still alive is a miracle of modern science…”/ “You’ve gotta go left before that happens…”/ #DrugWarRetardity / “It’s a powdered vegetable…”
(17:14): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: 1995 – YEAR IN METAL / “The 30th anniversary of 1995…”/ #BlackSabbath (Forbidden) / “This is the #remix…”/ RUSTY ANGELS / “Is there something a little doomier on this?” / THE ILLUSION OF POWER / “Now THAT’s Sabbath…”/ “Let’s do some weird shit…”/ “This is the #killeropener for 1995…”/ #DOWN (NOLA) – TEMPTATION’S WINGS / “If you think about one, how do you not think about the other?” / #Behemoth (SVENTEVITH (Storming Near The Baltic)) – HIDDEN IN A FOG / “Do you hear that acoustic in the background?” / #blackmetal
(26:54): “I’ve got the perfect one…”/ “Huh?”/ #GripInc (Power of Inner Strength) / HOSTAGE TO HEAVEN / “A little?”/ “That just gets me hard hearing that…”/ #FuManchu (Daredevil) – COYOTE DUSTER (NOT Coyote Disaster!) / “I wanna be high…in the desert…jumpin’ dunes…”/ “Poon is like the whole thing, snootch is actually the tunnel…”/ “Oooh, so you’re doing the #Uno card…”/ #Reverse / #Deicide (Once Upon The Cross) – ONCE UPON THE CROSS / “The difference between Chris Barnes and Corpsegrinder…”/ #genreASMR
(36:36): #MonsterMagnet (Dopes To Infinity) – NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD / “I believe the proper term is ‘cock averse’…”/ “That’s a LOT of flange back there…”/ “Look at the W.A.S.P. album…”/ “I know where I’m going next…”/ “That was a good impression of you doing an impression of me doing an impression of #BrianJohnson…”/ #Kyuss (…And The Circus Leaves Town) – HURRICANE / “Also, ironically enough, you were here for BOTLH…”/ #FaithNoMore (King For A Day…Fool For A Lifetime) – THE GENTLE ART OF MAKING ENEMIES / “They were weird…it became very artistic…”
(46:54): #Death (Symbolic) – SYMBOLIC / “What do you think your favorite Death album is?”/ “…and we’re back!”/ #Carcass (Swansong – 1996) ***NOTE: we’re aware this wasn’t released in 1995, but it was recorded in 1995, so it’s fine…*** / BLACK STAR / “Death ‘n’ Roll…”/ “This is my last pick here…”/ “I feel like #grunge is a bit of a strong word…”/ #Anthrax (Stomp 442) – FUELED / “Honorable mentions…”/ “We should play that, it’s only 25 minutes…”/ “What did you say!?”/ “We should do an #InsideTheMetal on them…they don’t have a lot of albums either…”/ #MrTinkletrain / “I watched a video from when (#Primus) made that video (for Wynonna’s Big Brown Beaver)…” / #StillNotBlackEnough / #MagnusOpus vs #MagnumOpus / “I’ve never heard a woman actually fart…”/ “Top Song from #Billboard in 1995…you’re never gonna guess it…”/ #SuperBowlCommercial / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! / #untilthenext #outroreel #Huh?