“So I told him about my pain and the life I’ve been through, he just smiled and the laughter came
Then I told him that I love you…and the devil cried.”
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The early 80’s saw a changing of the guard in BLACK SABBATH, with vocalist RONNIE JAMES DIO becoming the new “captain at the helm” as the front man for the legendary Birmingham quartet and bringing along with him a heroic dose of wizards, dragons, clean tigers, shiny diamonds, and more mystical lyrical metaphors than you can shake a sorcerer’s scepter at.
Check out some of our other episodes on DIO and SABBATH
Get ready to expand your thumbtack and yarn collection regarding absurdly intentioned speed trap conspiracies found near Bunkerpoon Industrial Boulevard, maybe crack open an ice cold Moo-Hoo (or two) & enjoy the delicious flavor of victory that could only be brewed in a city that’s home to the National Champions, prepare to get surly, “speed up the brown”, and JOIN US as we wax nostalgic and look back on the 2nd wave of Black Sabbath that is known throughout the realm as DIO ERA SABBATH.
Show Notes:
(00:01): Absurdly low speed limits, #revenuegenerationtraps and #halfboners / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #asyettobeuncorked / #heartsandballs #clinkythirty #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #FireOnTheMountain from #DillardGeorgia / “Everybody died this week…” / “Weirdly sudden…” / #thumbtacksandyarn / “Seems mighty common these days…” / “Let’s just pick a name…”
(05:41): “I feel like y’all are kinda manipulating the rules…” / #TheVoiceMailJingle ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / A comment from our #YouTube channel (#MetalNerderyMunchies) regarding our #MunicipalWasteEpisode / “I figured it out…” / An impression of every woman in #sevensyllables / “That’s a bold statement…” / A question regarding nutrition / #collegefootballASMR regarding the #NationalChampionGeorgiaBulldogs / #ohmydamn #lacesout / “Everything happens for a reason…” / #worshipmusicmakeover / The word is TRANCE, not TRANS / “You’re gonna laugh at the name…” / “That’s a great name for a band…”
(17:00): #markthetime #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #TerrapinBeerCompany from #AthensGeorgia (home of the #NumberOneNationalChampionshipWinningGeorgiaBulldogs) #WhiteChocolateMooHoo (#MooHoo) #sixpointonepercentABV / “It’s like a carbonated beer chocolate milk…” / “The #aftertaste is awesome…” #markthetime.
Beer of the Episode
Terrapin Beer Company
White Chocolate Moo-Hoo
(19:38): #MetalNerderyAcapellaASMR #Era #TheDocket DIO ERA BLACK SABBATH / A moment of reflection regarding movies from the 80’s / #onmicburpASMR / “Maybe I’m stupid…” / Ever notice how any band that #RonnieJamesDio joins automatically sounds like #Dio? / ***What was the first #DioEraSabbath YOU heard? *** / #youwouldknow / “They play #Slayer on #96Rock all the time…” / How bands fanbases sometimes change when certain members are replaced
(29:18): NEON KNIGHTS #killeropener (From “Heaven and Hell” -1980) / The branding differences between Ozzy’s #peacesign and Dio’s #metalhorns / “The #deepcuts have #nocokelines…” / CHILDREN OF THE SEA and the change in the #SabbathSound with #RJD / “Is that true?” / “Big football fan…never done that.”
(36:53): “This one has #morecokelines on everything…” / #speedupthebrown TURN UP THE NIGHT #killeropener (From “Mob Rules - 1981”) / Interesting production revelations … / VOODOO (definitely a strange riff) / #allthecokelines THE SIGN OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS #stonermetalASMR #hoodahah / “If you listen to fools…” THE MOB RULES / #deepcutASMR SLIPPING AWAY (check out Tony and Geezer exchanging solos…)
(49:21): Fast forward to the early 90’s… / “It’s got a #NWOOSTM vibe to it…” (re: the #albumart for Dehumanizer - 1992) / #nudesteel / Cozy Powell initially, and then Vinny Appice on drums / “Why are you driving a horse?” / Remember #WaynesWorld? / #killeropener COMPUTER GOD / “This riff is gonna blow your mind…” MASTER OF INSANITY (see also The Wanton Song by #LedZeppelin and/or Lady Of The Lake by #Rainbow re: the riff) #shouldershuffle / TIME MACHINE (#WaynesWorldSoundtrackASMR) / Looking back to the movie #HeavyMetal (“Animated titties are still titties y’all…”) #bigtittedwizardbitch / A brief discussion regarding the soundtrack to Heavy Metal… / Ever heard of Ronnie James Devo? / #yeahyeah
(1:05:55): Now fast forward to the 2000’s / #backsabbath / (Black Sabbath: The Dio Years – 2007) / EAR IN THE WALL and THE DEVIL CRIED (“That sounds like Sabbath…”) / “Do you think Iommi ever impresses himself?” / / “Oooh, that just did not sound right…” / ***THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #untilthenext #bunkerpoongiftshoppe #purchsomemerch #outroreel