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Who: King Parrot, Lamb of God, & PANTERA
What: One of the finest heavy metal concert experiences EVER
When: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Where: Ameris Bank Amphitheater - Alpharetta, Georgia
Why: For the celebration of The Abbott Brothers history & legacy
On this night, thousands of loyal Atlanta metal fans made the pilgrimage to behold the spectacle of King Parrot, Lamb of God, and PANTERA absolutely blowing everyone’s mind with one of the finest (and certainly one of the HEAVIEST) heavy metal shows to EVER bless the stage at Ameris Amphitheater!
Truly a “family reunion for metal”, it was one of the most powerfully transcendental events of community, reverence, and sheer sonic bliss ever experienced in a single place on a single night. The collective energy of these three extreme metal juggernauts elevated the entire audience to an almost frenzied level of controlled chaos & palpable glee. It was, without question, one of THE best metal shows to come to Atlanta in recent years, bar none. And for a few fleeting hours on that night of “Metal Magic”, it felt just like the old days all over again, in the best way possible.
It’s “story time” in the Bunkerpoon, which means it’s time to “hang tight” and “have some cocktails” with the “three black sheep” and find out “what happens to dudes who can’t handle their White Claws” while trying to comprehend how talking to someone on a cell phone at a concert is as futile and pointless as peeing into a tornado.
Prepare to learn which two letters equal the letter ladies sit on, discover the proper way to pronounce King Parrot, dine on the finest post-show cuisine at the Waffle House and JOIN US as we reflect on one of the most important nights of heavy metal to have blessed Atlanta in recent years as we reflect on the details of the PANTERA LEGACY TOUR POST GAME WRAP-UP featuring King Parrot, Lamb of God, and PANTERA on the Atlanta tour stop to honor and celebrate the legacy of the brothers, Darrell & Vinnie Abbott.

Show Notes:
(00:01): ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised / #RMRose #FireOnTheMountain #NewLogo / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode (“It tastes like autumn…”) / #gluttonfree and/or #glutenfree #AtlantaHardCider (“Hand picked by…people? Machines?”) / #buttonrub #texturedforyourpleasure #firstdayoffall (“I could drink a bunch of those…it’s definitely dry…”) / “That’s a better term than #flaccid…”
Beer of the Episode
Atlanta Hard Cider
(03:20): Feel free to email us at and/or hit us up on #Instagram or #Facebook or #YouTube OR ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #thevoicemailsegment (Darius is back…) / CD’s vs Vinyl / #storytime / “May I retort?” / “You could tell
#Alexa to play #MetalNerderyPodcast “/ #ultraquadraphonic / “They’re kinda coasters…” / #shuffle / “You’ve got the #FBI listening to you, but I don’t care…” / #onemore (“To clarify…”) / #ninjafrisbee / “Also to clarify…I called you fellas #thethreeblacksheep and said #hangtight in Polish…” / #dietpepsi vs #dietcoke #RussellsReflectionsASMR
(10:24): “You haven’t given us your thought of the day…” / “Apparently THAT was a winner!” / “If you thought getting a foley inserted was bad…” / “Enjoy your dildos and loneliness…” / “Was it a skink?” / #speciesist / “Snakes with legs…freak me out!” / Finding lizard carcasses in your home / #drylizardgulch / “That’s my spirit animal…” / #batzapper
(15:35): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: THE PANTERA POST-SHOW REVIEW (from 09/12/2023 in Alpharetta, GA) / #KingParrot #LambOfGod #Pantera / “That week…was so weird…it wasn’t just me…” / “They slow the rotation…” / #They / “It’s like an LP spinning in space…” / “It’s pizza shaped…” / The leadup to the show / Parking at the venue / “We were 40 thick…” / The #ActusReus boys were there / “It was a #familyreunion for metal…” / ***Check out everyone in the #groupphoto on our #Instagram and #Facebook pages *** / Ticket prices for seating vs lawn (“When I bought mine, lawn seats were NOT available…”) / “I looked like a #drunktoddler …”
(24:00): The structure of the show, including the #homevideofootage from the various #PanteraHomeVideos back in the day / “That was the first show I’ve been to in a minute with pyro…” / “Was that the same venue where you saw #Godsmack and could barely hear it?” / “I was WAY off on the opener…” / #soundczech / Some of the more surprising song choices in the setlist
(28:41): #TheSetlist (“I lost my shit on that one…”) / “I got a little teary when that came on…” / The incredible turnout of old school fans vs new fans who were just seeing #Pantera for the VERY first time on a tour for a band without a brand new album / “Speaking of bass…” / #TheEncore / “Let’s make it official…” / Predominantly the #Vulgar and #Driven albums / #speakingofbassparttwo (“Every time they showed Rex…”) #AirheadsStuntDouble / “That shape is weird…it’s an #SGV (or the Devil V)” / #squealies / A #barefooted Phil Anselmo / “The only thing that’s depressing about it…” / “Eventually…” / #docuseries / “That’s the worst part about running out…”
(36:03): “How long did it take y’all to get out of the parking lot?” / The #postshow #WaffleHouse excursion / “They weren’t warned…” / “That waffle is always amazing…every time” / #deathrowmealsASMR / “The funniest thing on the way back…was a comment about ‘sitting on the W’…” / “I can see your W…” / “It was in my #TopTen …” / “I was drunk on the music…I was dancing like nobody was looking…” / “The only thing that would have made that show better would have been #TheAbbottBrothers “
(42:42): “They had a lot of fire…” / “I did figure they would have played more from #ReinventingTheSteel …” / “If you think about it…” / “I rode that high for a few days…” / “I’ve been listening to a lot of Lamb of God lately…” / ***If you spotted Tim Hurd at the show, send us an email or let us know!*** / #PrinceAlbert (“He’s not gonna put it back in, is he?”)
(45:53): “This is not related to #Pantera but…” / “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” / #No / “I need to see this…” / #standupcomedyASMR / “They don’t know that you’re like this all the time…” / The weirdness of 9/11 week / #GodHatesUsAll and #Repentless were #bolth released on #nineeleven / Perfect stuff for #TheTriangle / “Both would have made me giddy, one would have made me really happy…” / “No, it was Regular People…”
(49:35): “There was some dude who can’t handle his #whiteclaws and was being a #superdouche to his girlfriend…” / “The good definitely outweighed the bad…” / “Sorta homeless but not really…” / #peoplewatching and #battlejackets / “It might have a built-in vagina…” / #vaginajacket or #penisponcho / “Musicians will get this…” / The opposite of #OldeFaece / #PanteraDoomASMR #dadheavy #gutatronic / The physical toll of performing live as you age / #dementiainchief / #dontdenythepowerof #sexdrugsandheavymetal / “Danglin’ by the dangle…” / “We need two of those a year…” / Concert ticket prices and #pricegouging and the impact on crowd sizes / “It absolutely was a family reunion…these were OUR people…” / “I wonder if people will notice…” / “If you have two V’s together, that makes a W…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! DON’T FORGET TO STOP BY THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE AT !!!*** / #outroreel #untilthenext