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Depending on which side of the pond you’re on, PIECE OF MIND, the fourth offering from NWOBHM legends IRON MAIDEN, was released on May 16 and/or May 28, 1983, and irregardless of which side of the pond you’re on, the worldwide multitudes of metal fans rejoiced with gladness.
As an homage to Nicko McBrain’s “maiden voyage” as the “drum-shaman” for this, his first album behind the kit with the mighty Maiden, we generated and recorded a vast assortment of quality on-mic burps with embedded, backwards messages encouraging you to belch your way into a state of blissful absurdity which, when played backwards, actually sounds WAY eviler than when played forwards (which should give everyone “pizza mind”).
Released 16 May 1983
Recorded January–March 1983
Studio Compass Point (Bahamas)
Label EMI
Producer Martin Birch
Side one
1 "Where Eagles Dare"
2 "Revelations"
3 "Flight of Icarus”
4 "Die with Your Boots On"
Side two
5 "The Trooper"
6 "Still Life"
7 "Quest for Fire"
8 "Sun and Steel"
9 "To Tame a Land"
Bruce Dickinson – vocals
Dave Murray – guitars
Adrian Smith – guitars
Steve Harris – bass
Nicko McBrain – drums
If you pay close attention to the overarching theme that’s portrayed throughout the song and the lyrics, you can almost feel the Aces High energy, perhaps a prequel of sorts. What a way to kick off your first album with a brand-new drummer (that would be, Mr. McBrain). The machine guns during the guitar solo certainly depict a fire fight in the sky. The harmonies, as always, are pure Maiden magic. This might just be the most progressive album Maiden had as of this point in their career. Sure, the prior albums all had progressive elements, but this one was more of a genuine, progressive metal album. Certainly, one of the most progressive metal releases of 1983.
“They dared to go where no one would try, they chose to fly where eagles dare.”
It’s official: it’s completely impossible to hear this song and NOT think about the “Live After Death” version. (“Written about religion…or about washing your car…”). This version is certainly slower and heavier than the live version. The entire first verse is actually from a hymn by G.K. Chesterson.
On a related note, there is a slight “re-working” of Biblical scripture referenced in the liner notes for the album, specifically Revelation 21:4, which is oddly fitting given the current dire state of our world.
Fun fact: “Revelation” also means “Apocalypse” in Greek.
“Bind all of us together, ablaze with hope and free, no storm or heavy weather will rock the boat, you’ll see…”
Don’t fly too close to the sun. Especially if you’ve got wings made of wax.
(And YES, this song was heard back in the day on the radio during daylight hours, as impossible as that may be for “some people” to accept.)
Perhaps the real reason Icarus fell was because he was more into drums than flats (which are obviously not nearly as aerodynamic). Speaking of which, I’m sure once his flight was complete, his wings were “extra crispy” (insert rimshot noise here).
“Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears, looks the old man in the eye. As he spreads his wings, and shouts at the crowd ‘In the name of God my father, I’ll fly’…”
The first official time this song was heard by yours truly was (you guessed it) on Live After Death, specifically, the cassette version which included “Side 4” of the album which was omitted from the original CD release due to the storage limitations of compact discs (which is around 74 minutes or so). When you get right down to it, there’s really “no point asking…” so just enjoy it, and if you’re gonna die…do it with your boots on!
“If you’re gonna die, do it with your boots on. If you’re gonna try, well, stick around. Gonna cry, just move along, if you’re gonna die, you’re gonna die…”
The killer opener for Side 2 (if you’re following along on album or cassette). In typical prog-NWOBHM fashion, it’s definitely got all of the signature, progressive metal elements that Maiden has become known for the world over. (And yes, this too was played on the radio back in the day.)
For 1983, it was certainly intense & heavy, the “next step” beyond Number of the Beast. This is without a doubt one of the most easily recognizable Iron Maiden songs from their early 80’s era (if not their entire catalog). The harmonies, the signature galloping of the guitar, the sounds of metal from the years of yore.
“We get so near, yet so far away, we were meant to fight another day…”
You’ve got to love that intro of Nicko talking all backwards and “evil” and whatnot. Actually, it’s NOT evil at all, but in the early 80’s, everyone, literally EVERYONE (insert Gary Oldman voice here) who didn’t like metal, thought that backwards messages (or “backmasking” as it was called in the lore of Yore) was some kind of satanic spell that would corrupt young metal fans into turning against the establishment which is hellbent on elevating and rewarding mediocrity. I’m sure “Number of the Beast” helped fanned the flames a bit, so the beginning of this was meant as a “middle finger salute” to organizations like the PMRC and all who wanted to subvert and “cancel” metal and failed miserably.
Fun fact: The soft intro of this song after Mr. McBrain’s spoken word piece is actually a brand-new subgenre of metal called “Ocean Metal”.
“I’ve no doubt that you think that I’m off of my head, you don’t say but its in your eyes instead…”
Definitely well into deep cut territory now. Nowadays, the quest for fire is as close as your nearest book of matches, butane lighter, or flamethrower. But many years ago (as with everything else) it was not as simple. Kind of hard to rub sticks and stones together to build a fire when you’re desperately trying not to become some dumb dinosaur’s dinner.
“In an age when prize possession was fire, to search for landscapes men would roam…”
There’s something about Maiden’s deeper cuts. Given that the song is about a samurai, this also has that “prequel” vibe to songs like Flash of the Blade and The Duellists from “Powerslave” which also give homage to swordsman. (And of course, with Bruce himself being an actual fencing champion, perhaps there’s a degree of personal inspiration as well).
“Make a cut by fire and stone, take you and your blade and break you both in two…”
Another quality “ocean metal” intro. This definitely has that epic, progressive metal feel to it, musically and lyrically (think Alexander the Great).
Originally referenced as Dune and based on the novel of the same name, (NOTE: the author wouldn’t allow the band to use “Dune” as the title of the song, hence the reason for the change) it has all of the style and substance that would later help define the foundations for progressive metal bands like Dream Theater (who also did an incredible cover of this on the deluxe edition of “Black Clouds & Silver Linings”, btw). It’s safe to say that Iron Maiden, while a key NWOBHM band, were also a key influence on the progressive metal genre that would eventually surface over the coming years.
“He has the power to foresee, or to look into the past, He is the ruler of the stars…”
Beer of the Episode
Brewdog Helcat
It’s high time to get literary, historical, and downright Biblical. Get ready to bear witness to our newly updated “Black Album Reference” (which is directly due to “the most amazing idea” we’ve ever had) before you answer the call of “The Ball Master” and ask, “What Ho said the t’ing?” (if you know what “Amin”) and for God’s sake, take some precautionary measures to ensure you “don’t let the hog slip out” when you “steal some maneurysms” and JOIN US to celebrate the progressive metal, NWOBHM genius of IRON MAIDEN’s PIECE OF MIND.
Show Notes:
(00:01): #theredbutton #markthetime #oral #rightinthefront #notbragging #manneurysms and #crickets / #decisiontime #cleaningoutthecloset #orangepanilla / “Not only is #FoodPorn my #favoriteporn” #oralfixation and #fooderoticism / #firstworldproblems (and a re-review of our initial #restaurantreview) / #motivationalfoodporn #embracefoodtechnology ***WARNING!!! #listenerdiscretionadvised ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH ABSOLUTELY SO MUCH ANESTHESIA!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #captainmorgan #vanillaandorangetwist #upcomingepisodealert #themostamazingidea #ablaughterworkout #metalbeatbox / “This is beginning to be like #TheBlackAlbumReference” / #bolth #fansandfriends and #thepowerofsuggestion / #onmicburpASMR ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US ONE AT 980-666-8182 OR EMAIL US AT and check us out on the socials, #instagram and #facebook at #metalnerderypodcast / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH! #ooh
(11:41): “Confession time…”(Insert #momentoftwanglification here) / #IronMaiden #albumcovers and #mindblowingness #recordscratch / #dontturnitover #waitwhat #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #overlytwanglified #dontturnitover #itsopen #rerun #BrewDogBrewery #IronMaidensHellcatIPA #sixpointzeropercentABV / “And we’re back…” / #TheDocket Iron Maiden’s PIECE OF MIND / “Shaved heads used to be a serious issue…” / ***Go check out ALL of our #tangentional Iron Maiden episodes and #albumdives !!!*** #inaugurallivedive / “I love all versions of #NoQuarter” and also go check out our #LedZeppelin #InsideTheMetal episode / #alittletoofar / Released on 05/16/1983 ***How many people remember hearing Iron Maiden on #WKLS96Rock in #Atlanta back in the day!?*** / How cool would it be to record an album in Nassau, Bahamas #shortshorts #markthetime #thehogmightslipout / ***Go check out our #JustTalkinShittah series!!!*** “A renaissance of metal…” / “The first track you ever heard in your life from Piece of Mind…” / Comparing “Number of the Beast” to “Piece of Mind” / #pizzamind / “What was the big selling point for the album?” #itsnotthateasy ***Our #Killers episode will be forthcoming, probably after our #hairmetalspectacular ***
(24:40): The new #nationalanthem for #theworld #worldanthem WHERE EAGLES DARE #killeropener #waitforit (Kind of a segue to Aces High…) / #maidenbone / “Piece of Mind” relative to many other #1983 releases (which we may or may not have already discussed, and if we have, you should go check those episodes out at / REVELATIONS (***Is it equally impossible for everyone else to NOT hear the #LiveAfterDeath version of this whenever you hear ANY version of this?***) #heavy #barneymillerbass and #killerharmonies / #scripturereference and Revelations 21:4 #remixedition / First album with Nicko McBrain the #drumshaman who followed Clive Burr / #dontdenythepowerof #LiveAfterDeath #motherfuckerASMR
(33:00): FLIGHT OF ICARUS and a #longdistancededication to the kid with #waxwings / “In the name of God my Father, I’ll fly!” / “If you’re gonna die…” / Also found on the album/cassette version of “Live After Death” that did not make the CD release… / DIE WITH YOUR BOOTS ON “No point asking…” / “Evolving beyond the ‘sides’ of #cassettes and #albums and moving straight to #compactdiscs (All WAY before #streaming)
(38:38): Side 2 #killeropener THE TROOPER (And YES, they DID play this on the radio #backinthedaylightoftheday !!!) #killerharmonies #justatouch / Hellbeast intrusion and #theladiesareback (and so are we) / #backmasking and #devilworshippingnonsense “What Nicko ACTUALLY said…” / #ListenWithNickoTracks #TheFirstTenYears and #cynicalbritishness and a call from #theballmaster / STILL LIFE #backmasking and #regularmasking #nickointro and #oceanmetal (“Did y’all switch it to #DefLeppard ???”) / “There’s definitely some 80’s in that metal…” / “What’s the freakiest #nightmare you’ve ever had?” / “All my wife’s favorite words” and #marriagelingo / The #deepcuts on this album relative to other Maiden releases
(51:20): The differences between “Piece of Mind” and “Powerslave” and the great #IronMaidenBinge of 1995 / QUEST FOR FIRE and #dinosaurs #earlypowermetal / Definitely NOT an #andjusticeforallbassmix #ThankYou to #MartinBirch for #makingeverythinglouder #MotorheadingTheMix / SUN AND STEEL #earlythrash / #killercloser #theoriginal #whisperthonASMR / TO TAME A LAND (and some related #DreamTheater #tangentionalality) aka #Dune / #Phatoor / #RussellsReflections and some classic #horrorcinema #markthetime #dotheneedful #shovein / “Any tracklisting changes and/or side switching?” / THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! ***You can BUY OUR SHIT at *** #untilthenext #thelastword #gotouchyourself #gopurchsomemerch #outrosection #blooperreel #longlivemetalnerdery #hehahuh #bonusbrain