Diabolus In Musica


Diabolus In Musica

Album Review

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Hopefully by now, everyone is familiar with those first three notes from the first Black Sabbath album. During The Middle Ages, this was referred to as DIABOLOUS IN MUSICA (which is Latin, meaning “The Devil In Music”). While also known as “The Devil’s Interval”, or in musical parlance simply as the tritone, SLAYER fans recognize DIABOLOUS IN MUSICA as the band’s 8th album of sonic evilocity and darkness, and the 2nd with Paul Bostaph on the drums

Released 6/9/98

Recorded 1997

Studio Ocean Way Hollywood

Label American

Producer Rick Rubin

Tom Araya – Bass, Vocals

Kerry King – Guitars

Jeff Hanneman – Guitars

Paul Bostaph – Drums



1 Bitter Peace

2 Death's Head

3 Stain of Mind

4 Overt Enemy

5 Perversions of Pain

6 Love to Hate

7 Desire

8 In the Name of God

9 Scrum

10 Screaming from the Sky

11 Point

Even though it was released on June 9, 1998, as the nu-metal era was peaking, DIABOLOUS IN MUSICA is most definitely NOT Slayer’s “nu-metal” album.

It still possesses all the sinister signature sounds and the dark, macabre subject matter, but there’s an unusual, experimental quality present on this album which defies definition and is unlike anything found on their previous albums.

The overall production quality is much more aggressive and grittier, with the vocal performances utilizing some never-before used darker nuances, ensuring that DIABOLOUS IN MUSICA is an almost gratifyingly uncomfortable listening experience. 

It's time to get in touch with “good old ‘What’s His Name?’” and discover the subtle yet hilarious differences between “chickpeas and garbanzo beans”. Find out “where to measure from” to ensure maximum accuracy, go ahead and “tune down your voice”, prepare for the most unsettling outro reel ever, fix yourself a bowl of hummus and JOIN US as we dive into the darkness of “The Devil In Music”, made manifest on SLAYER’s DIABOLOUS IN MUSICA.


Definitely a strange (and different) way to open a Slayer album: slow, heavy, and oppressive. In a lot of ways, this might have been the first album where the band really embraced the heavier side of their sound. 

At 1:33, it goes from slow, heavy, and oppressive BACK INTO the fast, thrashy, FUCKING SLAYER that we all know and love! 

“No longer kill your brother, 

Just slaughter one another,

Watch for the deadly other, 

This sibling is a fucker…”


Again, a strange way to open a Slayer song (or at least, a different way to do it). The weird vocal affectation certainly adds a degree of creepiness not found on earlier Slayer albums. 

There’s a change at 2:06 where it becomes another song entirely. 

“I taste your tears, caress your face,

I watch you lie insane,

Dying for love, 

Praying to die,

I want what’s inside you…”


Maybe a bit groovy for Slayer. The mix is definitely harsh & abrasive, almost brittle (especially the guitars).

If Metallica’s nu-metal offering is St. Anger, then Slayer did an infinitely better job of putting this out as their nu-metal album. Because, at the end of the day, THIS still sounds like Slayer.

“Entire, complete serenity, 

Injected intravenously,

Transgression euphoric bliss divine,

Initiate a timeless stain of mind…”

“The government’s supposed to be ‘We The People’…”

Definitely a creepy intro, listen to the soundbites in the background. 

Creepy harmonies? 


Mention of God, religion, and war? 


Constant loathing of bureaucratic government waste, overreach, and treachery? 


Definitely slower and heavier than older Slayer. Maybe that’s what the 90’s brought to the Slayer sound: more heaviness. The watery sounding vocals definitely have an unsettling and off-putting air about them.

Actually, the vocal performances on this album offer a somewhat more disturbing portrayal of Slayer’s dark and sinister lyrical subject matter than on previous albums. 

“You’ll meet your end, 

Find death alone,

No grave to mark, 

The seeds you’ve sown

You’ve pushed too far, 

My secrets I defend…”


Now THIS sounds more like old school Slayer! 

At 1:13 the creepy harmony interlude offers a fantastic buildup to the solo section. Thus far, it’s probably the fastest track on the album. 

“Inside my violent mind,

Chaos is all you’ll find,

Anarchy uncontained

Bear witness to the scorn of my campaign…”


Yeah, it’s still Slayer but it’s kinda “meh” for Slayer, and yet still infinitely better than anything on The Loads or St. Anger, so there.

That stop right in the middle is extremely unsettling and off putting…and it builds a shitload of tension.

“Take what I want, primordial ground,

Humanity bleeds from inside my veins,

Losing all grasp, an evil so old,

Vengeance it breeds driving you insane…”


Definitely creepy (and definitely use those headphones!). The vocals wreak of psychopathic, serial killer darkness, and the layered vocals at the chorus greatly amplify the overall creepy factor. This one blends the heavy and the darkness and the groove together perfectly.

“Lying all alone and dead,

Visions of erotic bliss,

Feel your warmth from inside your skin,

A fever I cannot resist…”


Brutally heavy! This might be one of the best songs on the entire album. 

Buried deep in the track list near the end of the album, this is undoubtedly NOT nu-metal on any level.

The change at 2:47 is similar to the change at the tail end of GHUA. It’s still cool, but they probably could have just cut that part out or turned it into something else altogether.

“I want to, invite you, welcome you,

To my hate, to my scorn, to myself,

Saturate you, infest you, betray you,

Stimulate you, so eager for my lies,

For my lies…

Lies, lies in the name of God…”


This is your standard issue, top shelf Slayer and it’s a song about the manliest sportsball sport there is: Football. 

No, not soccer, and no, definitely not American football…we’re talking about RUGBY! 

Fast, aggressive, distorted bass, double bass, just over 2 minutes. Powerfully potent, the way Slayer is meant to be.

“Full contact why I live and breathe,

Side stepping all the human debris,

Head strong I know that I’ll prevail,

Face down in my arena you will fail…”


(Yawn…) Okay, it’s Slayer. It’s fine. Yay. While definitely not the best track on the album, it probably would have worked better as a B-side. 

The tuned down vocals at 2:12 is probably the coolest part of this song…and definitely the creepiest.

“I leave carnage in my wake,

Choking bleeding for your life,

Faceless prey has been erased,

Silence reigns you’re dead now…”


Last track…not bad, might have put this up earlier in the roster. Definitely has some R.I.B. energy.

“I’m the one to taste your death,

Basking in your dying breath,

Messenger of all demise,

Point is where all die…”

Show Notes:

(00:01): #whatthefuckingfuck / #fuckindah / “The internet’s being a butthole!” / #ESO / “Bro…” / #technicaldifficulties #probrem / #instacunt / “It’s pretty much that…”/ “Why am I laughing?” / #AhrnoldASMR / “You sure it’s not “flahn, flahn, flahn,…?” / #sexystormtroopers #stormtrooperswithtits / #boinkboink / “There’s no nips…”/ “You guys…this will be the last time…this is just sad…” / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Totally…OMG…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST FROM DEEP INSIDE THE SWEET & SNUG CONFINES OF THE BEAUTIFUL BUNKERPOON STUDIOS*** / “In #Atlanta …It wasn’t the #burnunit …” / “It’s possible dude…it’s the world.” / ***DON’T SKIP TO THE MEAT OF THE EPISODE AT #THEDOCKET BUT YOU’RE WELCOME TO DO THAT (you’ll just be missing the #appetizers …*** / #ilikepotatoskins / “Make that a button…”/ “It’s white…”/ #dill #dillASMR / “Would you pronounce it for me?” / #bbqdippingsauces / “Maybe on the bottom bun, and put the vinegar sauce on top…” / “It had some tang?” / #watery / “Thick? Syrupy kind of sauce?” / #BigDaddysBBQPitASMR / #foodporn / “The way I look at food now, is the way I looked at…” / #ASMR / “That looks amazing…” / #thenextwave / “Let’s just enjoy it…”/ “It might dude…” / #electionyear #electionyear2024 / #holdmybeer #watchthis / #frickin 


(09:10): “Who’s on your list of…top 15…best metal bands of all time!?” / #topfifteen #bestmetalbandsofalltime #bestmetalever #thebest / “Denied…HA!” / “Yeah, definitely…maybe not…” / “Very cool…”/ “I can’t believe #KISS is #notonthislist …” / “We said it…”/ “I gotta throw #Helmet in there…”/ #AshesOfLeviathanTour #Mastodon #LambOfGod / “Yeah, uhh, NO!” / “Chips enough? Or #ChipZeenuf?” / “All the whores and drugs and stuff…took over…” / “Ozzy…as a solo artist…it’s a different thing…” / “Yeah, not that guy…” / “Him and #Loverboy …” / #turnmelooseASMR / “Nah, that’s already taken, bro…” / #albumcover / “That dude can sing, though…”/ #CanadianSingersASMR / #singersroomdotcom/ #55BestMetalBandsOfAllTime / “It’s not my list but it has a lot…” / “It gets difficult…where the fuck’s #Kreator …is that your top 5?” 


(16:44): “Correspondencies?” / #PatreonShoutOut / ***THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR LUNACY!!! KEEP SPREADING THE WORDERY ABOUT THE METAL NERDERY #BUNKERPOONAFTERDARK AT patreon.com/metalnerdery.com / “It’s a solid 6…” / “I wish I was smart enough to create a pill…” / #analoscopy / “He wants an #easybutton …”/ “Have you seen the #SouthParkEpisode about it?” / “Do they have a #SkinnyCartman???” / #DEI / “And what does that mean again?” / #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion / “Right…exactly what they were going for…”/ “Those guys deserve EVERY PENNY THEY HAVE MADE!!!” / “Go ahead…and it all started with a #wrestlingthing …” / #approachingabillion / “You used it correctly…” / #WOW / “Wouldn’t it be great if they left it all to…” 


(21:55): “I’m just having fun, man…” / #TheDocket “That was beefy…” / METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS…(long pause) / “Actually, you can just scream at some intern…” / #RussellsReflectionsPreHalloweenASMR / “It’s August…”/ “Boned up and ready to go?” / #WTF #WhatTheFuck / “This is gonna happen when we get home…” / “So they basically just ripped off the original?” / #halfassyourwaythroughlife / “Sounds like a DJ…”/ “It’s not a horror movie, it’s an action film…”/ “Are there any #horrormovies that defy #horrormoviegenres …” / #whatshisnuts / “Has he done a horror movie? #Tarantino / “So here’s a question…if you had to rank…most scary to least scary…” / #horrormovieASMR / “Just creepy ghost kinda shit…and the #slasherflicks …”/ #suspense #Halloween / “That movie’s so fucked up dude…” / #spiderwalk #TheExorcist #DVDVersion #Uncut / “Anything that could be real is VERY scary…” 


(31:00): (“Ahem…okay, here we go…take 2.”) / METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: SLAYER – DIABOLOUS IN MUSICA (“Their 8th studio release…26 years ago…”) / #TheDevilInMusic #Tritone #HeavyMetalASMR #SeeAlsoSabbath #SeeAlsoSlayer / “All that BULLSHIT…(you can say it)…” / “I think that was the last one I ever bought…this one has moments…” / #Slayer #DiabolousInMusica / “I got nothing…” / #thegrudgeASMR / “That’s got Sarah Michelle’s #Gellars …let’s see her turkey…”/ “I’m surprised he didn’t say ‘Sorry, ladies…” / “This was kinda Jeff’s album, wasn’t it?” / #KerryTrumpASMR / “He looks similar…”/ “I was told, by some people…” / “Totally amazing…”/ “Ewwww, is it skunky?” / #skunkybeer / “We didn’t do any of the #socialmediastuff … #instagram #facebook #youtube #patreon / “Did I get everything?” / #freephone 


(38:09): “Did y’all ever see that?” / #MetalEvolution #SamDunn / #VH1 vs #MTV / “Everything’s a fucking app now…” / #MetalThrashingMania / “I think it’s a throwback to the #HeadbangersBall …” / “He’s still out there…we miss them…”/ “What do you guys think of the cover?” / #albumart / “That looks pretty evil, yeah…” / “He looks pale…like #Pinhead meets #TheSandman dude…”/ BITTER PEACE #RickRubinASMR #HowieWeinbergASMR / “Very creepy creepy…” / “As far as an opener, it’s pretty powerful…”/ “I can hear the bridge…”/ DEATH’S HEAD / “I read something once…about the microphones…”/ STAIN OF MIND #SlayerIsNotANuMetalBand / #OhhYeah / “Definitely groovy…which is different…” 


(48:24): “Speaking of overt…” / OVERT ENEMY “The government is supposed to be ‘we the people’…” / #WETHEPEOPLE / (“Or Wet He-People…”) / “That’s what it sounds like when Tom sings in a pool…”/ “I think the only one they still play is…”/ PERVERSIONS OF PAIN #classicslayerASMR / Definite #DivineIntervention vibe… / “Oh yeah…the #breakdown right here…”/ #interesting / “That’s mean, right?” / #JeffHanneman #HailToJeffHanneman / #necrotizingfasciatis / “Holy…hopefully that wasn’t him…”/ “In fairness…”/ “Make sure you take a broom with you…” / “Did y’all hang out or get a beer or something?” / “Makes it sound so old…”/ “The last time I saw them when Jeff was playing…” / “That was the first show I’d ever…at a show…” / #lids / “My very first concert…” / “Nah, dude, I’m watching them…” / #alwaysastepbehind / “I know, those are nice tits…”/ LOVE TO HATE / “It’s a vacuum cleaner…”/ “It’s NOT #numetal but it’s Slayer’s version…” / “No, it’s much better…” 


(1:00:10): “Dude, this next one…sounds like…an #oldcopshow …” / DESIRE #usethoseheadphones / “This one has that good, classic, creepy Slayer vibe…”/ “It’s got #chugs for sure…”/ “The creepy whispers are definitely a new facet…” / #totallytremendous / IN THE NAME OF GOD (“Definitely #chugs …”) / “Yeah, there we go…” / “Such a strange ending…”/ “If you’re familiar with #rugby …” / SCRUM (“They play with knee socks and shorts…and BALLS!”) / NOTE:  That’s fast as fuck! / “Do we have rugby?” / “Just me, one man’s opinion…” / #heelsandlingerie (“Is it a thing? Really…?”) / #onstepbehind / “Good old #WhatsHisName …” / SCREAMING FROM THE SKY / “Hey man, how do you tune down your voice?” / “You know what the difference is between a knife and a feminist?” / POINT #killercloser (“This is a good way to end it…the album.”) / “Point is where all die…” / “I had a great moment…” / “Buy us lunch…” / #hummus #chickpea vs #garbonzobean #budumpbump #rimshot / “It took a moment…”/ “I think they’re the same…”/ “Real quick…#BloodFeast has a new album…” / Infinite Evolution #BloodFeast / OUTBREAK / “It’s thrash… #oldschoolthrashstyle …”/ “Musically, #RigorMortis vibes…” / #whatchacookin? / “Just not a fan, unless they’re #magicalmushrooms …” / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AND TELL A FRIEND ABOUT THE PATREON!!! / #FromAllOfUsAt #BunkerpoonInternational #UntilTheNext / ***STOP BY WWW.METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH TO MAKE A PURCHASE OF SOME MERCH (AND CHECK OUT THE SITE WHILE YOU’RE AT IT!!!)  / #outroreelASMR #awesomeness #pigsquealASMR #vocalwarmup #cookieeatingASMR / #outroreel