For SLAYER fans, their merciless 1983 debut SHOW NO MERCY and their even darker, more progressive 1985 follow up HELL AWAITS both possess a somewhat more sinister sound and atmosphere relative to the totality of their catalog.
These first two records mark the beginning of their development into the fiercest, darkest, and evilest of The Big Four of thrash, featuring a virtually continuous “all-you-can-eat” onslaught of death, Hell, and Satan.
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Now, imagine what would happen if you were to pit SHOW NO MERCY and HELL AWAITS against each other? What if both albums had to get in the ring, pound it out, and “fight till death” (so to speak)? Which one would reign victorious?
While both albums are widely regarded as quintessential to Slayer’s origin story and the evolution of their sonic brutality in the burgeoning new world of speed and thrash metal, to echo the words of Connor MacLeod: “There can be only ONE!”
Beer of the Episode
Paradise Now
Triple Raspberry Berliner Weisse
It’s time to get ready for “some snuggling and a rubdown” after you finish up with your nighttime “beach orgies” and enter the octagon to face the “WWF Baphomet” who will take on "ALL up and comers” from over yonder, down in the holler, and deep within the confines of the metropolitan tri-county area. SU NIOJ (*Ahem* Sorry…) JOIN US as we pit two of the darkest, most pivotally important albums in thrash history against each other in our brand-new METAL NERDERY HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH series featuring the straight-ahead thrash evilocity of SHOW NO MERCY against the diabolically progressive darkness of HELL AWAITS.
Show Notes:
(00:01): #greatintro ***WARNING!!!*** #listenerdiscretionisadvised ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #moreballs #Fireball / “The sweet will balance out the tart” / “A complete Fireball scrote set…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #TripleRaspberryBerlinerWeiss #TrimTabBrewing (and #orgies at the beach) #eightpointtwopercentABV / “It did offset the sweetness of the balls…” / “It tastes like a lady but not like #pissandpennies” / “Mama what’s #cuntlery?” / #heedthewarning / #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A #VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / The return of #pissingpost and some comments regarding #theabortionepisode (“I’m entertained over here…”) #justtalkinabortions and getting “RoeVWaded” (Go #oldschool) / “It’s like #xanax for your balls” / ***Be on the lookout for my new #standupcomedyspecial*** / #playbolth #morepost (#JudasPriest vs #IronMaiden) / “Are there 2 different camps, in terms of Priest vs Maiden?” / Just because you like one band doesn’t mean you automatically NOT like the other band / #youcanlikebolth / #lightlysalted / #JohnnyO and an inquiry about some upcoming shows (including #MercyfulFate and the #SnowblindFestival #SnowblindFestivalBandRoster including lots of incredible sounding #stonermetalbands (AND it’s on a #weekend!!!). #Hotelday vs #uberday and proper management of personal #twanglification / #cannabischrominles / Ummm…#absurdlyhighticketprices and #hyperinflation and #Brandonomics / “Are you up and comers…”
(24:32): #TheDocket and a brand-new #brandspank segment with a brand-new jingle for a brand new #MetalNerderySeries #fuckfuck / THE METAL NERDERY HEAD-TO-HEAD DEATH MATCH!!! Slayer’s Show No Mercy vs Hell Awaits / #fiftypercentbone ***Go back and check out our #HellAwaits episode and our First Four of The Big Four*** / “Which one has the best #albumcover?” / #WWFBaphomet (Which one is #eviler?) and the draw of the album artwork from those first two albums / #futureepisodeidea / #killeropener EVIL HAS NO BOUNDARIES versus HELL AWAITS #joinus #sunioj #creepiersoftintro (Could you repeat that?) #Readthoselyrics and #theverdict (the differences between the two albums: straight ahead vs progressive) #quantumleaps
(37:50): THE ANTICHRIST is #friedmayoballs (notice any similarity between the main riff and the #killeropener from #TheBlackAlbum?) versus KILL AGAIN (It’s really almost impossible to compare the two: like trying to compare Kill ‘Em All to Ride The Lightning) / #SlayerHits and a #setlist that contained at least half the first album / DIE BY THE SWORD #waitforit #yeahyeah (There’s a definite difference in #creepyness between the first two Slayer albums vs the rest of their catalog) #horrormetalgenre #differentcreepy / “The Steve Harris of #Slayer” and other appropriate #analgies and #suppositoryASMR versus AT DAWN THEY SLEEP #waitwhat #cocainevampires
(49:00): FIGHT TILL DEATH and #theverdict / “That just would not make it fair at all…” / PRAISE OF DEATH versus METAL STORM/FACE THE SLAYER #excitermoment #verythick and #multilayered (you can definitely hear the Judas Priest influence) / #SlayerDeepCut / #killeropenersidetwo (“Still a favorite…”) BLACK MAGIC (The perfect #killeropener) / #funfact #nosnuggling #fullpenetration / “Always use a microwave before #massagingthedead” / NECROPHILIAC
(1:00:48): TORMENTOR (and hints of #WrathchildAmerica) and #theclimax #bolthballs / “What do they serve for breakfast in Hell?” #baconaise / THE FINAL COMMAND (some slight hints of early #Maiden) / CRYPTS OF ETERNITY #thelongestone #deepercut / “Offensive, exhausting, off-putting and irresponsible” #suchlanguage to please the ears of #cancelculturecuntlery / CRIONICS (definitely early Maiden energy) / #fartpedalASMR and #HolidayShopping
(1:11:07): #killercloser SHOW NO MERCY (hints of Motorbreath, especially during the chorus) / “A whole fist at a time…” / #fistfulofnuts / HARDENING OF THE ARTERIES (and then #backtothebeginning to close out the record) / The overall verdict: Show No Mercy vs Hell Awaits and the impact of #NWOBHM on their overall sound. / “How do you compare the incomparable?” / More #futureepisodeideas / #stahp with all the #synchronicities #Littlewissy / ***And the winner is… SHOW NO MERCY!!!*** / And now…Some #boneustracks CHEMICAL WARFARE (and a little #HauntingTheChapel energy) / CAPTOR OF SIN (from #LiveUndead, recorded live in front of “around a dozen people”) / We will certainly be doing more and more #MetalNerderyHeadToHeadDeathMatch episodes / ***GO BUY OUR SHIT AT / OR visit the #UndergroundBunkerPuneGiftShoppe / #thelastword / #outroreel #backwardsHellAwaitsIntro #hehahuh