Stoner Metal Vol. VI
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For anyone out there who identifies as a “cannabis person” on any level, even if that means just being a fan of STONER METAL, then we cordially invite you to our 420 SUPER SPECIAL to partake of a small sampling of the myriad of stoner metal strains which are available to you.
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There’s some 70’s style stoner metal, some actual 1970’s stoner metal, some stoner metal that’s tuned down so low the strings are “flappin in the breeze”, and there’s even what some might refer to as stoner thrash metal.
Basically, there are as many stoner metal bands and stoner metal subgenres as there are cannabis dispensaries, strains, and methods of consumption (at least in the states and places where legal access has already been “greenlit”).
Some of the Bands mentioned on the show
Get yourself a generous sniff of the bag, prepare to load up and blaze up some “loudness” via your preferred “relaxer delivery method” of choice to be passed around to “Indica Man, Sativa Boy & Captain Hybrid”, remember the rules regarding proper rotation etiquette while in the smokers’ circle and JOIN US on this, our 6th installment of the Marc Potterson Chronicles and a very special 420 SUPER SPECIAL. Get ready for STONER METAL, VOL. VI.
Show Notes:
(00:01): “Hooked dicks?” / #icelanddickchickASMR / “Icelandish?” / “Fucking a baby into somebody…” / “Weed alcohol?” / #markthetime #crispyunscrewing #thenewcocaine #sugar #inthelastepisode / “I used to think life was so simple…” / #mouthguitar (“Quick one, before we clinky…”) / “You’re wrong…” (#waitwhat?) / #theflannahs and the #juntjunts / #DetroitRockCityASMR #cannotdenyit / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised*** / “It’s different when it’s cold…” / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #skrewballpeanutbutterwhisky / #PBandJShots #brilliant / “#RumChada is fucking delicious, dude…” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST, 420 EDITION!!!*** #getstoned #420friendlyASMR / #cannabisfriendly #indicaASMR #sativaASMR #johnwickASMR / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #hypercolorASMR #thefourtwentysuperspecial #the420superspecial #420ASMR / #TrimTabBrewing #MovieSnacks ***As read by #MarcPotterson…*** “A brewery of few words…” / #Nawhhh / “Oh boy howdy…that’s not too bad…” / #understatedtwang #sevenpointtwopercent #jusetpastdaydrinking (“I’m sour, #motherfucker!”) #fistingmotion #cheers / “that’s weird…that might be alright…” / “Candy shop rotational?” / #dontdenythepowerof #douchebags and #satanicdoucebags / #goodfriday was definitely not / ***LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #bigbandjingle #jingleASMR (“Fuck yeah I’m gonna do it!!!”) / #metalnerderytriplicate (“It’s a new variant…) / #fourtwentyspectacularASMR #cockadoodledamnASMR #dariusnerderyASMR (“All the women avoided my #eyecontact…”) / #hotranch #familyreunionranch #raunch in #Fraunch #pubicfraunch / “Bill, you do it…”
Beer of the Episode
Trimtab Brewing
Movie Snacks Sour
(12:34): “K…Q…K.Q.K…Q…”/ The #downsidesofCalifornia / #powertrip #crispypants (I’m all for having a show called “Powertrip”, but understand, if you name a festival “Metallica” and #Metallica is not playing, there is gonna be some #backlash and confusion.) #Powertrip #PowertripFestival gave some of us thoughts of #PowertripBand (a little misleading) #Powertrip fans are still looking toward the future…that’s just a tad deceptive / #GavinNewsomKommieASMR (“For $20 grand I’d better be able to shit by myself…”) / #theyrelisteningtous #noteven #MetalNerderyConspiracyTheoryASMR / Vacation or rock show? / #fuckyougavinnewsomASMR / “Whatever happened to #TheTerminator?” / “Oooooh the #plague…” / #ilovethehelmet / #backtracking / #sammyhagarASMR /#theredrocker #RedSammyHagar “What color do you think of when you hear #SammyHagar?” / #audiobookASMR / “And then I hear myself…” #poormansRonWhite / #twanglification #backtoSammyHagar #IFillIt #FlanNahNah / #supernonsenselevel / “If you’re listening to an #audiobook are you still “technically” #reading?”) / That’s #HPLoveCraft #horrorauthor “Reading with your ears instead of your eyeballs…” / #SammyHagarRead #SammyHagarRed #SammyHagarMiscASMR / “Ohhh yeah…#holyshit…” / “You sound just like him…” / #AceFrehleyASMR #WarPigsAlertASMR ****Allegedly…I’m sorry…what the FUCK was THAT!?!?*** / #movingon / “Let’s just make shit up…#incredibleratingsdude” #flanahnah #chunchunchuns / “Here’s $20 grand through email…” / #culturevsrace / “Those people are racist…” / “I do it, and it’s like nothing…”
(23:57): “I know this is our #fourtwentysuperspecial #420superspecial…”I get a little worried…” / #thespiritofmetalnerdery #pissingpost / “It’s a different energy…” / “Whatever the dialect is…” / ***DEFINITELY REACH OUT TO US IN ANY WAY YOU FEEL IS MOST APPROPRIATE*** / “When you do that voice…” / #president2024 #MattPikeForPresident2024 / #TheDocket STONER METAL VOL. VI!!! / #thebertkriescherofmetal #noshirt #goshdarnitASMR #stronglyleddedworder / “I think yeah…” / #HighOnFire THE BLACK PLOT #stonerthrash ***Go check out the #YouTube #MetalMusicVideo*** / “It’s almost like next level #Motorhead…” / #Sleep (“It doesn’t work there…”) #VolumeOne (“that’s a fucking tribute right there…”) / STILLBORN #killeropener #totallyseriously (“That looks like a face…”) / #bonghitASMR #marcpottersonASMR (“this was ’91?...”) / “With fried bacon?” / #prepareforracismASMR / “Would you ever get your balls tattooed…ever?” / #scrotedivider ***GIVE US A CALL AT 980-666-8182 OR SEND US AN EMAIL AT *** / “The divider…” / “twenty four…” / “Dude, don’t you ever look at like the flaps?” #downthemiddle / “It’s the beer dude…” / #backtostonermetal #stonermetal / #Sleep is literally the #BlackSabbath of #stonermetal / “I bet you could…” / #southernfriedZZTopASMR / “It is but it doesn’t drone…” / “Wait, so you don’t #identify as a…” / And now…something #upbeat #FireballMinistry THE ANSWER (Hey 1970’s, you’re on deck…take a #ginormousbonghit and step forward…) / A quick request… (some #AtlantaLove #Mastodon #MastodonRocks #LocalBoysByGod MARCH OF THE FIRE ANTS #dropAtuning (“Oh, okay…thank you for that.”) / “Like a working girl’s labia…” / “You know what I think…” / #bottomspanking / “Why does #moist bother people?” / #MCTentacleChoice #GravesAtSea “Looks like a her…” THE CURSE THAT IS / #progstoner
(47:40): “How about that?” #killeropener #SabbathASMR THE PROSTITUTE #Mugwart EYEWASH CLEANSE / ***Y’all get in the #timemachine…*** #getready for #Nazareth MISS MISERY “Old gritty stoner metal…” #seventiesmetal #70smetal / “It wasn’t that…” / #Orchid (“Yeah, that one…”) CAPRICORN (“It sounds like pot…”) / “Hole in the sky…” / #bongwaterASMR / “Yeah, that’s good shit…” / “What was your favorite zit when you were younger?” #eyebrowzits #nosezits #zitcaldera / “C’mon, gimme the money shot…” / #vomitporn #seriously / “And justice for y’all…” #Weedeater TUESDAY NIGHT & SHITFIRE (Hope you loaded a deep bowl, maaaaaahhhhhhnnnnn…) / “After that crippling bout of #projectilediarrhea…” / “I still kinda wanna take a picture of it…” / #bowelhealth (“that’s what it is…”)
(1:00:00): “You’re welcome…” #HighOnFire SILVER BLACK #stonerboner #stonerthrash (“It’s a grower…”) #andbegin #speedstoner #cocainestoner #stonercaine / “It makes me wanna drive #allthemilesanhour” / “I think it’s close…” / #FiretheHAARPInternsASMR / #StonedJesus SEASON OF THE WITCH (“Me likey…”) / “They’re all vibe…” / “we can let Phil have the last word…” / “It smells like color…” / #Down LEVITATION #NOLAASMR #awwwASMR / “I just saw this one…” #Down GHOSTS ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI (“I’m trying…”) / “We’ll do a #doubleheader…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST 420 SUPER SOFT SPECTACULAR!!!*** #halfbone #halfmast #halfmeat #nineoclockbone / “Everybody else has to fucking guess…” / #delicious #fourtwentyspecialtacular ***TIME TO GO SHOPPING AT THE #UNDERGROUNDBUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE AT / #untilthenext / #outroreel #outtakes #seriously #nasalsnoutsniffs #sniffingASMR