
Big 4 Deep Cuts Vol. 2




DEEP CUTS, PART 2 (1986-1990).

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We’re back with the backside of the ballsack of the taint of the boner of the top of the ass crack of the...WHATEVER you want to call it, now we’re up to “the meat” of THE BACKSIDE OF THE FIRST FOUR OF THE BIG FOUR. And if you have zero attention span, then you’re probably not even reading this anyway, so just tip-toe back over to Tik Tok and enjoy the rest of your life in 30 second increments until it actually gets banned “for real for real”.


Discover the most alarmingly stupid thing ever uttered by the former governor of the 51st state, imagine what it’d be like to be a metal head back in the 70’s, understand that “China’s going to be the new Greenland, and Greenland will be the new China” and remember that “Uncle America” wants you to JOIN US as we go back up inside the backdoor of the ballsack of the taint of the dumper of the BACKSIDE OF THE FIRST FOUR OF THE BIG FOUR: DEEP CUTS, PART 2 (1986-1990).

Show Notes:

(00:01): Follow up regarding the #ghoststory from last week… / “So they’re mathematical ghosts?” / “He was probably in this 30’s…and he didn’t sound NOT white…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “My wife…found…”/ “Because we’re SO good…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST COMING AT YOU FROM THE BUNKERPOON!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #TerrapinBrewery #ChocolatePeanutButterPretzelMooHoo

Beer of the Episode

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Moo-Hoo

#markthetime / “That’s a nice helmet you’ve got there…”/ “The expensive stuff is not always better…”/ “I think that’s like his favorite thing now…”/ ***COME CHECK US OUT AND JOIN US ON THE PATREON!!! ***/ #PatreonShoutOut / ***Check out our LATEST shirt including the #warning at and #teespring ***/ ***Feel free to follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram at #metalnerderypodcast AND email us at AND/OR give us a call and LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!***


(10:24): #noattentionspan #tiktok #RussellsReflectionsTikTokASMR / What’s the deal with #Greenland anyway? / #UncleAmerica / “Either you’re not getting anymore money from us, or we’re taking over…”/ #peoplekind #JustinTrudeau / #mankind / “If I put in ‘frontman’, it gets changed to #frontperson …” / #markthetime / #RussellsReflectionsFingerSmashASMR / “Here’s the best part…”/ “Uh oh…there’s a follow up story?” / “If you were a complete asshole…”/ “For the cameras, can you show ‘em again which finger?”


(21:11): “We mixed it up…it’s 2025…”/ METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS:  THE BACKSIDE OF THE FIRST FOUR OF THE BIG FOUR, PART 2 – DEEP CUTS / “The backside of the ballsack of the taint…” / 1986-1990 / #Anthrax #Megadeth #Metallica #Slayer / “Now we’re up to…THE MEAT!”/ #Anthrax (Among The Living – 1987) / The vibe

of listening to #deepcuts / IMITATION OF LIFE / A.D.I. HORROR OF IT ALL / “I remember all that stuff but I never get poon…” / #Megadeth (So Far, So Good…So What! – 1988) / MARY JANE / LIAR / “If this is Dave at his most fucked up…he’s still a genius!” / #rollingtheRs


(35:11): “There is no deep cut on this album!” / #Metallica (Master of Puppets – 1986) / “It’s got this weird energy to it…it brings you right back to then….”/ THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE / #HPHatecraft /

“That’s not even thrash, that’s just straight up #heavymetal …”/ “I already know what the deep cut is on this…”/ “Sometimes you forget about deep cuts…and then you come back to them…”/ “What’s your favorite song on the album?” /

#Slayer (Reign In Blood – 1986) / “You can’t do Heartbreaker without Living Loving Maid…” / REBORN / NECROPHOBIC


(45:54): “It’s kinda the top of the asscrack of the backside of the first four of the big four part 2…you can search that, dude…”/ #honestinjun / #Anthrax (State of Euphoria – 1988) / MISERY LOVES COMPANY / “Something about the mix reminded me of Vince Neil…”/ “That’s not a racist comment, btw…”/ “You’re not even a drug band…how can you be happy without drugs?” /

#Megadeth (Rust In Peace – 1990) / FIVE MAGICS / DAWN PATROL / “This is totally an anti #AJFA mix…” 

(57:39): “I already have at least 2 good ideas for deep cuts for this one…”/

#Metallica (…And Justice For All – 1988) / “You can’t have a deep cut if you’ve got a shirt, man…”/ EYE OF THE BEHOLDER / “Just a little bit…just a cunt hair?” / ***Go check out our ’88 Death Match Episode!!!*** / DYER’S EVE / “Can we hear just a touch…?” / TO LIVE IS TO DIE (Specifically, the middle section) / “This is the last one…the backside of the deep cuts of the taints of the boner…”/

#Slayer (South Of Heaven – 1988) / #thehappyriff / CLEANSE THE SOUL / “Kinda like the Priest version better…”/ “Can you imagine being a metalhead in the 70’s?” / #zerobass /

THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! / “We’ve come a LONG WAY, baby!” / #untilthenext #outroreel