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Formed in 1981 and hailing from Downey, California (the birthplace of the mighty Hetfield), thrash masters DARK ANGEL unleashed a darker, faster, more aggressive sounding brand of thrash, with a sound initially reminiscent of the death metal aesthetic present in Slayer’s early work and later evolving into a more progressive, technical thrash sound resembling the latter part of Death’s catalog. 


We Have Arrived (1985)

Darkness Descends (1986)

Leave Scars (1989)

Time Does Not Heal (1991)

Prepare to learn more about “the outer balloon knot” (‘the yurt’ as it ‘twere)” and remember that when it comes to old school thrash, those guys “got a LOT to say” and a very short time in which to say it.

Enjoy a spirited debate regarding cover songs relative to the originals that was 100% “from the heart”, learn more about the benefits of “The Express Package”, and don’t forget to “microwave your melons” after you JOIN US as we learn more about the technical thrash genius of “The L.A. Caffeine Machine”, DARK ANGEL.

Show Notes:

(00:01): “Not since Tuesday…”/ #dreams / “What’s he gonna say?” / #titillationfactor / “Shock value is fun…”/ “I don’t want to no more…”/ “It’s in your hand too often…”/ “That sounded almost like #RichardPryor a little bit…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Ohh-uhh…”/ “I’m tied up to your dock, get your ass down here!”/ #noteven / #Margaritaville / “Let me ask…obviously you’ve got friends with boats…”/ #boatsandhoes / “My wife had a #Galantines Party…”/ “They play ‘Pin the junk on the hunk’…”/ “If I pull up a picture could you point her out?”/ #Covechella / #QRCode / NOTE:  QR means “quick response” / “If it’s Freebird, it’s tits…if it’s Stairway…”/ “To me the downstairs is like the headliner…”/ “It will be the #Bunkerpoon Part 2…”/ ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE, CHECK THE SHOW NOTES FOR #THEDOCKET ***

(11:17): “It’ll be Trans Leprechaun Dwarfism Month (in March)…”/ #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode /

Beer of the Episode

Cutwater Lime Margarita

“You know what a greyhound is…”/ #saltydog / #RussellsReflectionsBrunchEdition / #CutwaterLimeMargarita for #NationalMargaritaDay / “This thing is 12.5% ABV…”/ “I’ve got a back snootch…you wanna see my #balloonknot?” / “If I do it in the dark, my dick will seem bigger…”/ “The yurt, as it ‘twere…”/ “It’s the hole aesthetic…the ambiance, as it ‘twere…”/ #bruisedrib / “$450 Million…”/ “We were talking about a really important subject…”/ “I don’t know if I could do it on purpose…”/ “If it’s gonna be covered in #HumanNutella it’s gotta be love…”/ #whatarewetalkingabout? / #MarchEnemy / #roadtrip / “What’s her name?”/ “I’ve gotta get in shape…I think I literally bruised a rib…” / “It would be a shame to waste this…and then you get the express package…”/ “Can we move on, please?” / #sixlistenerscantbewrong

(23:45): ***You can JOIN US on #Patreon at for LESS THAN the price of a pack of smokes or a bottle of lube!!!*** / #PatreonShoutOut / “Y’all gotta check out #TheHogStory …that’s where it all started…”/ #BunkerpoonAfterDark / ***If you want to EMAIL US you can do so at or check us out on the socials at #metalnerderypodcast or GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #Luis #mysterycaller / “I want Mexican food now…I’ll bet his fajitas will knock your socks off!”/ “Something funny, real quick…”/ “It sounds perfect…”/ #newlistener

(29:04): #TheDocket / “Can you PLEASE tell me…?”/ METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS:  DARK ANGEL / “This one’s gonna be educational…”/ #learningexperience / #DarkAngel is the topic, btw / #CombatUltimateRevenge / “They’re working on new shit right now!”/ NOTE:  Different singer now than early on / Est. 1981 in Downey, California / NOTE:  They are from Los Angeles / “Progressive technical thrash metal…”/ We Have Arrived (1985) / WE HAVE ARRIVED / “The cover…looks like Sabbath Bloody Sabbath…”/ Don Doty on vocals / “Wanna hear what it sounds like when Satan gives head?” / HELL’S ON ITS KNEES / “It all comes from Diary (Of A Madman) …”

(38:38): Darkness Descends (1986) / “Batmanesque?” / “This was the first album with #GeneHoglan on drums…”/ #killeropener / DARKNESS DESCENDS / “Oooh, ONE!” / NOTE: That came out before ONE by TWO years! / “When I was 16, fuck yeah, but now…”/ THE BURNING OF SODOM (see also the cover as done by #PigDestroyer) / “With a good production, it would have been SO much better…”/ “If you had to pick one more, based on title…which one?”/ DEATH IS CERTAIN (LIFE IS NOT) / “If I’m building my 1986 soundtrack, that’s going on it…” / “He’s kind of a douchebag for that…a little bit…”/ “Mad as Lars?” / “I think ‘fuck off’ is actually a full sentence…”


(47:15): Leave Scars (1989) / “I believe I saw an advertisement on #HeadbangersBall that was specifically for #DarkAngel…maybe this album…”/ Ron Rinehart now on vocals / #TheShift / “It was pre-church…”/ “I thought that dude was gone…he’s got an active Facebook?” / “Why do you think he was dead?” / “In fairness, I have name checked people who have passed away…”/ THE DEATH OF INNOCENCE / “The next song has all the #cokelines…it must be their big #hitsingle…”/ NEVER TO RISE AGAIN / “Let’s hear the cover…it’s 1:47…”/ IMMIGRANT SONG / #LedZeppelinCover / “I’m sorry, this is NOT good…that is shit…that was NOT good, and here’s why it’s not good…”/ A brief discussion and/or debate regarding how cover songs are done. / “It was basic, and it was annoying…”/ “Here’s where I get weird about covers…”/ “From the heart…I’m giving you my opinion of that cover…I think it was lazy.” / #fromtheheart / “Same deal…Dissident Aggressor…” / LEAVE SCARS / “Shut your honky, cracker, peckerwood ass…”/ “Here’s what I’ve figured out about old school thrash:  they’ve got a LOT to say.


(1:04:04): Time Does Not Heal (1991) / “What was that band? Dumb and Dumber…no, #CrashTestDummies … That guy could be in #TypeONegative and they could go on a #reuniontour…” / “That dude is a wizard, he wears sunglasses and plays drums…”/ TIME DOES NOT HEAL / “That sounds like #Death a little bit…”/ Production by #TerryDate / “This might be their #MagnumOpus…”/ “Sounds kinda like the dude from #Heathen a little bit…”/ “This is their #MagnusOpus…” / #MagnumAnus / “If you’re gonna go by song title…”/ “Go by the #cocklines…I guess that’s a little safer than #cokelines…how do you do #cocklines?” / “I write the book backwards…I start with the period (because I’m not afraid of it) …”/ PSYCHOSEXUALITY / “This is definitely their best produced album, for sure…the songs are way more progressive than before…”/ “Bestiality!?” / “If it was you, and a cat, and a bottle of lube…”/ “Ohh…so #veggiality is alright?” / AN ANCIENT INHERITED SHAME / “I think they got eclipsed in a way by #Death and got left behind (and they shouldn’t have been)…” / “They’re good songs…but they’re not anthems…”/ “…and a philosophy…”/ “They’ve got the riffs and the construction…” / “Just to back up real quick…apparently if you put a cantaloupe in the microwave for 30 seconds…”/ “What about a zucchini?” 


(1:20:43): Live Scars (1990) / LEAVE SCARS / #killeropener / #liveconcertalbum / #ForWhomTheBellTollsASMR / “Okay, okay…”/ “You can really hear the energy…they captured it…”/ “Guys…we don’t nail it every time, but sometimes we want to learn something just for us…”/ “I want your mom’s hot friend to tell her yoga pants to quit staring at my boner…” / “How many times have you heard the following…?”/ “It’s like this but smaller…from here…”/ THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!! / #untilthenext #outroreel