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We got a little out of control and went far beyond the “appetizers” section, to the point that there was no “meat” to skip to (in terms of a docket), primarily because we had a lot to talk about: albums ahead of their time, new Olympic competitions, and a whole host of other things (including our potential 9/11 Head-To-Head Death Match teaser…).
Be sure to “have a nice August” and remember that the answer to the question in question can only be “Wet? Or moist?”. Fix yourself a “peanut butter and jelly sandwich” and wash it down with a “Captain Morgan and Dr. Pepper”, discover what it means when “you can’t smell the hauntings”, find out which Slayer song “allegedly” has keyboards on it, prepare for some voicemails that “took home the gold” (including the “longest and girthiest” voicemail we’ve ever received), remember that (there are “seven confidents” and) “it’s fun when you say something wrong” and JOIN US for the 4th installment of JUST TALKIN SHITTAH!!!
Show Notes:
(00:01): “I wonder if he could even find her wet spot…” / “He’s got his dick up his mouth…” / #isthatgay #herewegoagain (“If it’s connected, it’s not…”) / #handyjackin / “I’m the administrator and recipient of said service…”/ “Just for the record…” / #MoistAugust / “That’s a gross word…”/ #wetormoist / #riffermadness / “I think you’re just making a big deal about being a bass player…”/ #Milquetoast vs #InTheMeantime / “Have a nice August…you’re fired.”/ #idontfeelverygood / “I was totally making fun of you and you missed it…”/ “I feel like now the shows are better…”/ ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “It’s advised but it’s not encouraged…”/ WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!! / “Or it’s the #DjuhntsAndKuhnts …”/ “That’s 3 djunts and 3 kuhnts for all yuhnts…”/ #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode /
Beer of the Episode
Iron Maiden - Brewdog HellCat
***DON’T SKIP TO THE MEAT!!!*** / #perfecttiming / #onmicburp / #IronMaiden #BrewDog #HellCat #IPA #sixpointeightpercentABV / “Is that like Eddie’s dog?” / “It’s a little carpety...”/ “This is #manroom carpet…like #newofficespace carpet…you can’t smell the hauntings…”
(07:32): #CorrespondancizingASMR / “Go ahead…”/ ***Come follow us, click subscribe and the bell icon on #Facebook #YouTube and #Instagram OR you can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com OR you can GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #whoareyou? / #TheVoicemailSegment #JoeOfTheNorth #puregold #AshesOfLeviathan #ConcertReview #KerryKing #Mastodon #LambOfGod / #newshittah #SkullFist #HourToLive / “No, we have a continuation…there’s a second part.” / “That’s probably our longest and #girthiest voicemail yet…”/ #confidents / “Really?” / #sevenconfidents / “It’s fun when you say something wrong…”/ #aggravocity / #whatsitcalled #voicemells / #Geigh / #TheVoicemailSegmentRepriseASMR #WhoAreYou #TheDarius #PBandJ (“I needed a drink to get it down…”) / #DrPepperAndCaptainMorgan / “Darius wins the gold!” / #AldiASMR / #BidenomicsSucksASMR / #BirriaTacos / “Buh-ree-ya” / “He’s a bass player, it’s fine…”/ “Let’s do the one more/one last…”/ #PissingPost / “Maybe we should just be a #SlayerPodcast …Djunts Khunts and Slayer…”/ #herewego / The significance of #nineeleven and #Slayer / “A little more Slayer bone?”/ #differentvibe / “Or it could be ahead of its time…” / “When you were eleven?” / “I know, you were ahead of your time…”/ “Don’t say it…it was their #LedZeppelinIV …”/ “What was wrong with keyboards?” (“I didn’t like #Journey, I didn’t like #Styx…”) / “Interesting you reached for #Loverboy …” / #JourneyLyricsASMR / “In ’98?”
(24:56): “Do you think there’s ever been a song by Slayer where they’ve squeezed in some keyboards?” / #harpsichord / “The only song that I can think of…I think…”/ “I just googled it and found nothing…therefore…”/ WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #SkullFist HOUR TO LIVE #powermetal #speedmetal / “I can already tell Bill hates it…”/ “The gates of the Thunderdome at Krypton…”/ #PatreonShoutout / ***GO JOIN US ON THE PATREON AT PATREON.COM/METALNERDERYPODCAST *** / #FauxBlaux / “I’ve thought about that for the last week…”/ “She wasn’t making the pig noises…but mouth was open.”/ “It was COVID before COVID was COVID…”/ #whateveritwas / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / #WomensBeachVolleyball / #thongs or #cheekhuggers / #snootch & #boobbuttons #LMAO / “Wherever Black Metal comes from…she’s from that place…”/ “Don’t you cut that out either!” / “Whatever dude, it’s the same place…”/ #FrenchBaguette / “Which one’s the pole, btw?” / “His tip tapped the bar…”/ #tobefair “That guy’s not a grower…”/ #underyourcape
(36:36): “He’s the world’s best at exercising…”/ “The bigger question is this…they look like they’re in two totally different weight classes…”/ “It’s been beaten nine times…”/ #hermaphrodites / “Countries where it’s illegal…”/ “They have to throw you from the top of a building or something…”/ #JimmySevenFourteen / “It gets confusing…it used to not be so confusing…”/ “That’s a great name…”/ #ImanAlmond / “Dude he could be a wrestler…” / “That’s not a race, right?” / “I thought that was a country…we’re all wrong.” / #ignorantASMR / “Have y’all seen that chick that plays Wonder Woman?” / “It’s a street name for heroin…allegedly.” / “We should just call this an episode…”/ Upcoming new releases / “Death metal or prog metal?” / “Are we really 45 hours in!? That’s crazy…”/ #KatVonD (“We call those targets…”) / MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN / “This is NOT metal!” / “For those voicemails, y’all ALL took home the gold!” / #bonus #boneus / #outroreel #PBandJASMR