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As with life, “Left Turns” and WTF MOMENTS occur constantly in the world of metal. Whether it’s a radical, stylistic change to a band’s sound, any sort of unforeseen tragedy, or “Ozzy just being Ozzy” in the presence of winged, flying creatures, there is certainly no shortage of WTF MOMENTS lurking around every corner throughout the metal community.

It’s time to find out why some “poon juice” has an “extra aroma” and remember that “for less than the price of a pack of smokes OR a bottle of lube” you too can become a part of our Patreon community (regardless of whether you are “an innie or an outie”).

Be absolutely sure you “don’t say dropped” when referring to a new release, realize that “coughing is a sign of health”, and understand that “a hand solo” still counts as sex when you JOIN US for a look at some notable WTF MOMENTS IN METAL.

Show Notes:

(00:01): “We’ll do it when it’s my turn…”/ “I don’t hate #Jager …”/ #jagerbombASMR / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Oh, buyer’s remorse…”/ “What’s the haps?” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “It seems like you’ve been coughing the past 3 or 4 times you’ve been here…I know a bunch of people who are halfway sick…” / #longcovid / “It’s the pollen I think…”/ #weathermanipulationASMR / ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE NONSENSE AND GET STRAIGHT TO THE MEAT, GO TO #THEDOCKET ***


(05:00): #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #AceHigh #ImperialCider / “It’s #glutenfree and its #vegan” /

Beer of the Episode

Ace High Imperial Cider

#markthetime / “He got a nice tri-toon…”/ #yachtASMR / “I get what you’re doing…you’re wanting me to recognize it…you’re doing the Stewie thing with the #CoolWhip and it’s working…”/ #RussellsReflectionsComedyEdition / “I started a couple of shows that are pretty good…”/ #PrimeEvil / “Was that back when they had knights and dragons?” / “This is gonna piss some people off…”/ #Severance / “It’s got Christopher Walken in it…”/ “That’s an actual carrier…”/ “You have an innie and an outie…”/ “Work is work is work…”/ “If you’re an innie you’re probably not into dudes…”/ “You can’t peg it basically…”


(15:06): ***IF YOU WANNA JOIN US ON THE PATREON YOU CAN DO SO AT PATREON.COM/METALNERDERYPODCAST *** / #PatreonShoutOut / “Y’all oughta all be getting some major poon right now…you’re gonna smell like sweat and shame…and #poonjuice …”/ #OhBoy / “It literally smelled like…”/ “They have an extra aroma…”/ ***If you want to email us you can do so at *** / “We’re like Agent Smith in the Matrix…”/ #femalefrontedbands / “You think I should go to the doctor?” / #PatreonRequest / #VishnuASMR / ***IF YOU’D LIKE TO GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL YOU CAN DO SO AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #mysterycaller / “It’s a 404…that’s Atlanta…I think I know who it is…”/ #MaleNursery


(22:20): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS: WTF MOMENTS IN METAL!!! / “Boy howdy, is there a bunch of them…”/ “This was a major WTF moment for me…”/ “They reinvented the metal…”/ #flavorsaver / #Metallica UNTIL IT SLEEPS (Load – 1996) / “That’s one way to put it…”/ “I think that was a big one for a lot of people…”/ #WTF / “Remember when #Megadeth released Risk?” / CRUSH ‘EM (Risk – 1999) / “Turn Me Loose…that’s what it is…”/ “Is that what’s his face on bass?” / BREADLINE / “Is this on #Footloose?” / “They started it…” / #Ozzy biting the heads off of live, flying creatures… / “No that was Patrick Meehan…” / “Karma is such a sweet, sweet bitch…” / “You’re Ozzy is becoming very close to Biden…”/ #BackToTheBeginning #BlackSabbath / “Tickets go on sale #ValentinesDay (2/14/25)…” / “The Medium Sized Four of Thrash…”/ “Let’s move on…”


(38:58): #CelticFrost and Cold Lake / CHERRY ORCHARDS (Cold Lake – 1988) / “That’d be as weird as #CannibalCorpse doing ballads…”/ “Chase the trans? Trends?” / “Speaking of trans…”/ #VinnieVincentInvasion BOYZ R GONNA ROCK / “They were just trying to out-Poison Poison…he kinda looks like #JoanJett a little…”/ “Sounds great…”/ “That solo does not fit the song…”/ ***WARNING: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED #CHRONICLES EPISODE*** / “What about all the #PMRC shit?” / #ParentalAdvisory 


(47:43): “My next one is gonna be dark…”/ #Mayhem #Dead #AlbumCover FREEZING MOON / “A lot of hype for not a lot of payoff…”/ “I’ve had nothing but #OpethBone for the past few months…”/ #Screams vs #DeathGrowls / NOTE:  The first album, not band / #Opeth THE DEVIL’S ORCHARD (Heritage – 2011) / “You could definitely bake to this…”/ “Pick a song just to give us something before that…”/ HEIR APPARENT (Watershed – 2008) / “Trust me, it’s totally worth it…” / “Don’t say ‘dropped’…”/ “My daughter always says ‘Why do you always spell that?’…”/ “Are you so tuned in to hating everything now?” / “Do those 2 bands…is it a thing where they battle back and forth?” / “I’ve got one…” / “I did yesterday…it was a #HandSolo…and then when I finally come it sounds like…”/ #coughASMR / “A little #DickTyne? A little #PeckerMint? A little #JuicyRoot?” / #BlackSabbath BACK STREET KIDS (Technical Ecstasy – 1976) / #WTF


(1:04:16): “It’s very podcast friendly…”/ “We’ve been lied to for years and years…coughing is a sign of health…”/ “Makes the whole day smooth…”/ #OhBoy / “We’re getting this from you, you know that right?” / #KISS I WAS MADE FOR LOVIN’ YOU (Dynasty – 1979) / “Look at that face…that gave me nightmares as a kid…”/ #BangDeLotta / #whatsitcalled / #HonorableMentions / The day that #Dimebag was murdered on stage with #Damageplan / The #GreatWhite Station fire / #Damageplan NEW FOUND POWER (New Found Power – 2004) / “I don’t know how legs can do that without cramping up…”/ #LifeOfAgony #Transformers #OptimusPrime / “The ‘first’ death of Peter Steele…” / “A little something out of the B-O-X…”/ #itsstartingtohurt / THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR WTF MOMENTS IN METAL!!! / “They had cars back then…”/ #untilthenext #outroreel