Just Talkin Shit-tah Vol. III
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“Everything’s LITERALLY ‘literally’…”
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It’s time to blow out the lines again, which means anything goes! And by “anything” we LITERALLY mean anything, including possibly the worst Aussie accent ever attempted.
For the record, we humbly apologize (in advance) to our Australian and/or New Zealand listeners (and/or bolth) as well as the good people of “Old Zealand” where the accent (and climate) is completely different AND gum chewing is something of an obsession.
Be sure to check out these bands and go buy their Shit-tah!
It’s time to get in your “Trans Am vans” & gear up for some “mutant recipes”, including a field trip down to The Main Stage (located directly adjacent to The Rib Lounge down on COTLOD Blvd) where we’ll check out some “old school strippers who love old school metal” and test drive their new “Flapmonster” French Dip lunch special while pondering the manifestation of impromptu, HOA hostile, deathcore concerts (complete with a “juntload of junts”) along with “the perfect soundtrack” for our upcoming “Ayahuasca Chronicles” series and a ton of other titillating topics. JOIN US from the Bunkerpoon Industrial Complex for the triple threat of JUST TALKIN’ SHIT-TAH, Vol. III.
Show Notes:
(00:01): #therestheclap / #greatbrandingstrategy / #theunscrewingASMR / #TransAms #Firebirds #Phoenix (“Risin’ up…”) / “Just say ‘Trans Am’…” / #transams and #transaints #clinky #yayuhh / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #Smoregasm #RebelStoke / “Did you do the Cinco de Stinko?” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST COMING ATCHA FROM THE BUNKERPOON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX!!!*** / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #sportswords #AthensGa #CreatureComforts #Bibo #daydrinkingpilsner #pilsnerbeer #pilsnerASMR (“Yeah it does…”) / “Tastes like a beer…” / Someone #screwedthepooch (“They can’t give it away now…”) / #blackedout / #idratherdrinknaturallight #ReelectionFundASMR (***See, #TransAm… ties it all together…***) / #icebeers (Remember #homebrews and making your own beer at home back in the #90s?) / Does #menuthickness matter? / “Fried chicken encrusted lasagna…or lasagna stuffed fried chicken?” / #foodpornASMR #mutantrecipes (Would you NOT eat THAT!?) / “I don’t like my food touchin’…
Beer of the Episode
Creature Comforts Bibo Pilsner
(08:27): #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182*** / #djentlemenASMR #itsthepost #pissingpost #mytwocents (“Thank you for that…”) / #metalupyourass #fuckthosefuckingfuckersASMR / “He knows about the flans and the junts…” / “They were doin the duhn…” #MikeJudgeASMR (“I forgot about the #wahwah”) / #futureepisodeideas / “Junts and flans…” / #thejingle #jingleASMR #wellplayyourshittah ***WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!!*** / #emailsegment #downunder #itsanaussiething (Is that a good accent? Would it fit in? j/k…but if you’d like to give us feedback, either email or voicemail us with your feedback) / #tripsix #tressix #MortalSin THE CURSE #instrumentalopener (#soundslike1987) / #introtrack WOMEN IN LEATHER (SIDEBAR: let’s be real; that’s 1980’s as fuck!!! )/ “We can’t compare it to anything…” / #niceharmonization / Reflecting back on #CirithUngol (***What do y’all think or know about them? Lettuce no at metalnerdery@gmail.com***) / #OldZealand
(17:03): #literallynotseriously / #everythingisliterally / “We DO have another #voicemail…” / #thedarius #NWOOSTMSuggestibilityASMR / “Do a #stripclubepisode…” / “Downtown and having a very nice lunch…” / #lunchspecials #roastbeefsandwich #crabs #mainstage / #theflapmonster #horseradishsauce / “And there’s that…” / Addictions can be tricky…and incredibly enjoyable. / “Circulation…for your boner…” #bonercirculation / “You don’t wanna do that with Viagra…” / #literally (“You don’t…”) / “What happened…?” / #rentals #renttoown (“That’s a whole other conversation…”)
(22:18): The insane #Extreme #NunoBettencourt #guitarsolo #shredwizardryASMR from RISE / “that’s the first time…” / #nomushroomseither (“You shouldn’t have said anything…”) / The #metalnerderyconspiracytheoryASMR regarding #hairmetal and #guitarheroes / “they’re responsible for the design of #hairmetalbands…” / NOTE: Russell, the words you are looking for are “incredible fingering” 😊 / #thespeedofhislefthand / “It’s not my dominant hand.
(26:33): “I think we’re blowing out the lines this morning…” #justtalkinshittah / #TheDocket JUST TALKIN’ SHIT-TAH VOL. III / RussellsReflectionsIntroASMR #GraveBirth (great version of #RussellsReflections) #deathcore / “Wait, they’re cats?” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR / #Sustenance opened #killeropener (#boneusroom or #bonusroom?) / ***Can you imagine being on a #zoomcall and hearing a metal band blasting a few doors down? *** / “I’m definitely going over there now…” / #HOAASMR / “It closed down while they were on their way down…” / (Tour info: on tour with #eyehategod and #goatwhore) / #TransAmVans #CaucasianVan #EuropeanVan / How do you define #deathcore as a #genre (or #jeanwree)? / (“Did you just shit the floor?”) / MISSION STATEMENT “that’s full of #junts right there…” #juntload / “That sounds like it would be loud…” / ROTTING IN SLOW MOTION #allthecokelines #GraveBirth / #thenewfriday #technically #literally / #BoopSnootsStompAss #BoopSnootsStompAssASMR / #bunkerpoonindustrialcomplex #zoomcallASMR / “You’d think…” / #RussellsReflectionsExtendedMixASMR #Sustenance (How do #deathmetalsingers do it?) / #strivefortheimpossible / #shatteredearthrecords #bigcartelstore
(38:06): “You know what got completely overlooked?” #newrelease (#noteven) / “So here’s a weird question…” / How do you perceive your children when they’re no longer #behbehs? / #timeless / #ourcompetitor (“I think that’s called learning, actually…”) / A brief mention regarding #MadSeason / “I wanna go out there just for a weekend…and just hang out…” / #comedyrooms / “You’re close…” / The reason for the naming of #SystemOfADown / #africkinbillion #phenomena / #Overkill (***Go check out our #YearsOfDecay #albumdive!!!***) SCORCHED #killeropener #excellentmix / “How about a little bit of THE SURGEON?” / “Is that #MissPIggy?” / #OverkillSoundsLikeOverkill / People can’t like anything anymore… #everyoneisacritic #overlycritical / #consistencyispowerful / “If you went back and changed out mixes, you’d notice that nothing is really that much different…” / #trimmedit #72SeasonsASMR (“I bet I know where you’re going with it…”) / Sometimes you can trim up a #fantasticribeye and transform it into a #superiorfilet / It kinda flows better… #nohate #justsayin / #MetallicaASMR #currenttour / Mixing it up… / #RussellsReflectionsExtendedUltraMixASMR / “Can I say something real quick…?” / #FiveFingerDeathPunch (“Okay, what’s #dadrock?”) / #oldies
(53:32): “Do they have anything that’s theirs?” / THE END (“That sounds like a heavy #Nickelback”) & GONE AWAY #doodah #camptownraces / “How about a #palettecleanser?” #Forbidden FOLLOW ME #ForbiddenEvil (“That’s still one of the most #badassalbumcovers in metal!”) / #sinisterlaughter (“I KNOW you KNOW the part I’m talking about…”) / #DaveLombardo and #TygersOfPanTang (and/or #TygersOfPoonTang) / #LiterallySeriously / #dontyoufuckingsaythatASMR / #bolth / #RussellsReflectionsCocaineEditionSTFUASMR / “June is the month of #jun” / More #NewReleasals #LiveEvilAnniversaryEdition
(1:02:34): “Just don’t…” / #DaveLombardo RITES OF PERCUSSION #RitesOfPercussion (#progressivepercussionASMR) #Ipecac (“Very tribal…”) / “I’m just curious…” (“that’s how it always starts…”) / “I was gonna talk about the whole #birthingpeoplething” / #turdbirther #starterlog / #peopleknowmorethandoctorsdo / #skynet (“I’m kinda ready, a little bit…”) / #horizons #twoforone / “Supposedly they’re already here…” / #pointofcontact #phenomenon #manamana / “They all look the same…” / “High and tight but low slung?” #airstrips #highandtight / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US AS WE TALKED SHIT-TAH!!!*** #literally #vocalburn / ***PLEASE VISIT US AT THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE (WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS AT metalnerdery.com/merch ) ***PLEASE PURCHANDISE SOME OF OUR MERCHANDISE!!!***/ #untilthenext #outroreel #bolthbuttsupermix