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SYSTEM OF A DOWN, the Glendale, California quartet who dominated the “Alt + Nu” metal landscape from 1998 to 2005 before going on hiatus, are one of the most uniquely incomparable & original bands of the early 2000s.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill, S.O.A.D. are the heavy metal equivalent of “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma”, a musical force beyond classification or genre. The only thing that is absolutely certain about SYSTEM OF A DOWN is that no other band in metal sounds anything like them.
Origin Glendale, California, U.S.
Labels American Columbia
Spinoffs Scars on Broadway
Serj Tankian
Daron Malakian
Shavo Odadjian
John Dolmayan
Former Members
Andy Khachaturian
System of a Down (1998)
Toxicity (2001)
Steal This Album! (2002)
Mezmerize (2005)
Hypnotize (2005)
Get ready to “get spit roasted” and prepare to “transmute all the evil into good” with our new “signature cologne” that’s pending promotion on proctology podcasts everywhere.
It’s time to roll those R’s and be ready to receive “the whistle finger” to avoid getting proctologized before your time and JOIN US as we embrace the Armenian masters of heavy metal ASMR and go deep INSIDE THE METAL with SYSTEM OF A DOWN.
Show Notes:
(00:01): #noteven / “What if they made a #breathspray …?” / #GTFOOH / #cuntyrevenuestreams #breathalyzerASMR / “It’s a lot cheaper…” / “Down the street from #TheBunkerpoon…” / #clinky / #andbegin / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Might have to stop on the way home…” / #flatmaxi / “A #sidecast for when we get older…” / #theoldguymetalpodcast “I used to remember…” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / “Has that one got some bite to it?” / #newcologne / “It’s called, “Inside the butthole…” / #proctologypodcast / “Oh, the finger!?” / “Alright, hold still…” / “Even better…” / #colonoscopyASMR (No more #buttfingerers) / “They check your blood, so…” / “My current doctor was suspicious…” #DrCockfingers #medicalrape (“I call it a ‘win-win’”) #insertwhistlenoisehereASMR / “I wonder how big the #colonoscopycam is?” #doublepenetration” / #LMMFAO (“This hasn’t happened since college…”) / “You’re not making medical decisions for me…” / #speakingofgamble
Beer of the Episode
Shiner TexHex Bruja's Brew IPA
(07:50): #killeralbumcover #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #Shiner #onmicburpASMR #ShinerTexas #ShinerTX #BrujasBrew #CowboyWitch #FrickingEyeballLaserbeamsASMR / “A little beyond…” / #buttonrub (“that’s a loud crack…”) #AndTheVerdict / “It’s clean…’don’t compare it to anything…’ #bidetASMR / “Can you fit?” #themouthpiece #toobig / “that’s a #kickassalbumcover…” #TexHex #Brujaswitchesbrew #TexHexBrujasBrew / #icalledinsick / “Well, last night was 420…” / #seriously / “I slept til almost noon…” / #vacationASMR #crispy #thenumberonething #sunscreen #fuckface #newHAARPinterns #cloudycrispy #markthetime / “It was a nice day on the beach…and it was #overcast…” #spitroasted
(13:36): ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!! #TheVoiceMailSegment #BestReviewEver #IncomingShittah #Yeah #Arkansas #Arkansass / “Are come…” / “It’s AWESOME…!!!” / #antifuckbagASMR / “Hold on, YOU can’t compare…” / “Thank you, #fuckbag!” / #exhausting #offputting #irresponsible (“We transmute all the evil into good…”) / ***#FORBIDDENREBORN*** / #Forbidden2023 / “It was fucking spot on…”
(18:10): ***What do y’all think: #NewMetallica #72Seasons #72SeasonsASMR *** / Reflecting on #Metallica and their recordings over the last 2 decades… / “It’s a #junjunjun…” #juntsareformetal / “You can’t have all the shits and no giggles…” / #gumendorsements / #Metallica YOU MUST BURN (Definitely Metallica’s #BlackSabbathMoment… and also #SadButTruePartTwo moment… #kindacreepy) #guitarsolomania / “Alright, while we’re here…” / SHADOWS FOLLOW (You’ve definitely GOT to check out the #musicvideo for this tune…#wicked … definitely vibes and sounds of #Yore…) #JusticeVibes #oldschool (“There’s a ton of riffs…”) / “So…you’re comparing the two…?” / “Is this an #albumdive?” / #waitwhat (“When HE touched it…”)
(26:34): “They finally talked about it 8 hours in…” / “Here it is…” / #favoritealbum / #fleetwoodmac #tangentionalality / “Two million dollars…” / #intricateschematic #fabledhistory #frickin / “If you’ve got the money…” / #Greeny #mojobabyyeah #mojoASMR (“I get it…”) / #TheDocket (But first…) #WellPLayYourShittah (“that was Russ, all the way…”) #bringbackthetits #startrektits #glittertits #ShallowTruths NOT BROKEN #proggy #progressivemetal #progmetalcore / #MotleyCrueDramaASMR #conspiracytheoryASMR #backingtracksASMR (“You can’t substitute… #adrenaline”) / #allegedly (“It’s ‘true’ but you can’t SAY ‘it’s true’”) / #MotleyCrueKaraokeASMR #lipsynching
(37:19): “#SOAD is on #TheDocket” #SystemOfADown (#horribleaccentASMR) SYSTEM OF A DOWN: INSIDE THE METAL!!! / “…more well done…” / #timemachineentry (Let’s go back to #TowerRecords) / #listeningstation / The first experience with S.O.A.D. and the #purchasingdecision regarding #thefirstnewalbum / “Seriously?” / “That was like a week before 9/11…” / “Do…they have their own convention?” #EpsteinCon / #RussellsReflectionsASMR (“do me a favor and google this shit…”) #PedoCon / “THAT guy!” #EpsteinStyle #PedoASMR / “He reached out…” / “Do you wanna bang some teenagers in the van?” ***(NOTE: WE did not bring this up…RUSSELL brought this up, all by himself!!!) *** / #KPopAnime
(43:40): “I could be THAT #douchebag…” / “The first time I heard ‘em was #duringthedayon96rock “ / #fivealbumcareer (“5 albums in 7 years…”) / #NuMetalEra / “I don’t think they fit in that box…” / System of a Down (1998) #killeropener SUITE PEE (“Only them sounds like them…”) #RickRubin #RickRubinProduced #hardRs #angry / SUGAR (There’s literally nobody else that sounds anything remotely like #SystemOfADown) #nothingsoundslikethisASMR / “It’s a mashup of…maybe a little…” #theuncheckablebox (See also #MrBungle and #FaithNoMore) / SPIDERS #backgroundcreepiness (“Tool…”) #drymix
(50:55): “This was their ‘Master’…” #sevendaysbefore #littleguy (“I don’t understand…”) / Toxicity (2001) / “Are #fistbumps still in?” / “You can’t do the #explode…it’s so #2000s” / #killeropener PRISON SONG #theyretryingtobuildaprison #cantbeloudenough (#soundslikeajamroom) / “It’s #KornWeird…” / “That was their Sandman?” / CHOP SUEY #wakeupmakeupASMR / It’s all jigs and junts…/ #ASMR #youwantedto #remix #hellnaw #WAKEUP #somethingsomethingsomethingsomethingASMR / “Skip forward a little bit…” / “Father into your hands I commend my spirit…” / #killerending #beautiful #powerful #progressivemetal
(57:35): “We’ve gotta do the #tittly…” TOXICITY #titletrack (NOTE: lots of #junts on this one) / Definitely #readthoselyrics #readSOADlyrics #memeofwords (“Where is the middle?”) / #thrashpart (“And then, when they break it…”) / “They’re fucking heavy!” / ***Would you agree that System Of A Down is a progressive metal band? *** / DEER DANCE #heavy #protest (roll those R’rrrrrrr’rrrrr’sss) /
(1:02:00): Steal This Album (2002) / “It’s hard to sell records…” / Remember the days of #filesharing and #limewire and #napster / The #pornographicationofmetal / #gumhypnosis / CHIC ‘N ‘STU (I’m sorry, what was that?) #verythrashy #veryheavy / A great analogy… / BOOM (#readthoselyrics) “Your neighbor, what a guy…” / “How about track 12?” FUCK THE SYSTEM (“Man in the box?”) / “Unless you’re in…”
(1:08:08): “The year they released 2 albums within six months of each other…” / #sicknewworld May 13 (I don’t think that’s a #holiday dude) / “Bring your own boner?” / (Mezmerize (2005) B.Y.O.B. “Why do we always send the poor?” / THIS COCAINE MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I’M ON THIS SONG #surfthrash / “My favorite kind of #pornography (other than #foodpornography or #foodporn”) VIOLENT PORNOGRAPHY
(1:14:56): Hypnotize (2005) #finalalbum / “Exactly…” / The puzzle with these two albums…the #CDCases / ATTACK #killeropener (That’s thrash…that would totally be at home in 1988 or ’89…or even the early 90’s…SOAD are indescribable) / VICINITY OF OBSENITY (#bananaterracottapie) #leftturn (“Talking about whores…with dirty feet…”) / “Hey…”
(1:19:46): ***What is the System of a Down writing process like? *** (To be a #FlyOnTheWall) / #NativityInBlack #BlackSabbath #cocaineASMR SNOWBLIND #waitforit #cocaine #2000 / #DireStraits #coversong #covertune SULTANS OF SWING / “Shall we wrap this thing up…?” / ***THANK YOU AGAIN FOR JOINING US!!! FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A REVIEW, RATING, VOICEMAIL, EMAIL AND/OR SHIT-TAH AT or #metalnerderypodcast #instagram #facebook #socialmediaASMR (“Send us some #messenges”) / ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / “I don’t know why your butt hurts…” / #untilthenext (“Hey this one’s for you…”) / ***Come Visit us and get your Metal Nerdery Podcast gear at the #BunkerpoonGiftShoppe via ***) / #outroreel #HFS #oldiesbutgoodies