the most OVERPLAYED and UNDERRATED songs in all of rock and metal
“It’s the ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’ of ‘Kill ‘em All’…”
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Thanks to the “radio homogenization” resulting from the 1996 Telecommunications Act which prompted a handful of corporations to buy up all the radio stations and systematically destroy them by repeatedly violating our ear holes and airwaves with the same overrated, pre-programmed, 6-song playlist (like some Clockwork Orange style mind control experiment run amok), there are A LOT of songs out there that have been so completely overplayed into oblivion that we could do without EVER hearing them again EVER in life: whether live in concert or on the radio during the daytime…EVER!
But on the other hand, there are the more underrated deep cuts. The songs which disc jockeys with a genuine passion for music would often play whenever they wanted (yes, even in the daytime).
Songs which got better over time and were never overplayed to the point of a listener’s disgust & scorn. Songs which are the antithesis of the ones referenced above in that we actually ENJOY hearing those songs and would prefer hearing them more often (like on the radio…during the daytime).
Just some of the Albums we discussed on this episode
JOIN US for a special guest presentation courtesy of Dick Taintler and embrace the concept of “peanut butter, bacon, and jelly sandwiches” while discovering which words are considered “fighting words” that you simply can’t EVER utter (not even in jest) as we perform our personal evaluation of some of the most OVERPLAYED and UNDERRATED songs in all of rock and metal.
Show Notes:
(00:01): “…juices flowing… (Ladies, and) GENTLEMEN / Behold the #Reddit love we’ve recently received ***Are there any #Megadeth related podcasts?*** Response: #SymphonyOfDiscussion #BattleOfTheBands / “And number 3…” #toprec #upvotes/ Thank you for that! / You ready to get thirsty? / A traumatic unscrewing…/ “It’s gonna hurt…” / Reverse psychology… (At least you can stay awake) / Great housekeeping / “Wait, knives have butts?” / *** #WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised #parentaladvisoryisdumb / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!***#thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode #JagermeisterColdBrew / #fourthwall / “You know what…?” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #JekyllBrewingCompany #CooterBrownAle (as read by #DickTaintler) / #comfortaleforthesoul / #sixpercentABV / #soliddaydrinkingbeer #easydrinking / “That’s a nice little brown cooter you’ve got there…” / “…less irony…” / “That’s why we have the explicit rating…”
Beer of the Episode
(07:04): ***If you’d like to give us a call and leave us a voicemail YOU CAN CALL US AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** #doommetalread / A call from “a huge fan” of #GoblinCock (Thanks Ken) / #northnorthamerica vs #southamerica #toomuchmath / #seriously / “Did we get some shit-tah?” / “I feel like you might have popped a membrane…” / “Oooh, that doesn’t belong…” / #Butcher: “666 Goats Carry My Chariot” IRON BITS (OR IRON BITCH) / #umlauts contain the power of metal / #BelgianBlackenedSpeedMetal / “In where?” / “Technically, that means…” WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! “/ “#markthetime that’s a new button…” / “There’s nothing wrong with that, folks…”
(15:50): “What is #probrem?” / “Just kidding…we don’t” / #TheDocket (and the confusing way to present this one): “The most overrated, overplayed, songs you could cut from the album’s roster and it’d be perfect…” / #analintruder5000 / ***If you get your feelings hurt, you can send us an email at *** / “Oh we’re gonna have a bad day…” / “Let’s start with the elephant in the room…” / #Metallica and #TheBlackAlbum and a left turn… / “How about…Seek & Destroy?” / #TheDarwinSong / “I think I would be okay…” / “It’s the You Shook Me All Night Long of “Kill ‘Em All…” / #songlessepisode / Something to introduce a bit of balance…a deep cut and/or the most underrated… / #BlackAlbumDeepCuts / “Good stuff Metallica…” vs “Lukewarm Metallica” / “I could hear Rob Halford singing that song…” / You can still have songs that have been overplayed but you enjoy…it’s just that usually hearing something played too much it takes the enjoyment out of it. / #phantomgum
(26:23): “Okay, we’re gonna fight…” / “it should be two songs…cut up.” / #thecoolpart #newsegment / #RussellsReflectionsASMR and the first time ever hearing Iron Man and Mr. Roboto. / “Is there no other Sabbath?” / “You put the worst song on Sabotage on the #greatesthitsalbum…” / “To us, there are no deep cuts…” / “There is no album…” / (Again…) / #noteven (“He said it, not me!”) / “They played it on 96 Rock at 12:00 PM on Saturday…” / #exityeah
(32:25): #BlackSabbath KILLING YOURSELF TO LIVE / “Everytime I’d listen…skip…” / “…probably even today” / “How do you even do that?” / #ACDC RIFF RAFF (***go watch the video for this one!!!*** #seventieshoodies) and SEND FOR THE MAN / ***Which one was overplayed more: You Shook Me All Night Long? Or Thunderstruck? *** / #excretionsASMR / “Now I’ve got it…”/ “So let’s really piss people off…” / #nolifejuice / “Most overplayed #IronMaiden song?” / #loudearpops / “You know what’s weird?” / “Just circumcise it right off the balls…”/ “Maiden & Slayer are not included…”
(48:32): “Easy. Done.” / “It’s dark…”/ #thisisfuckingmetal #dontdenythepowerof #LedZeppelin THE BATTLE OF EVERMORE #wizardweather / “What song off Led Zeppelin I would be out?” / “It’s the most feminine…” / “OMG that was my #weddingsong you ass!” / “I think it’s a little bigger than you think it is…” / #becareful / “Oooh, okay…you don’t even joke about that.
(57:20): “It got too much play for me…” / “Not really metal…” / The difference between one song that’s way overplayed vs that same song within the context of an entire album / “Now we’re gonna pick on Billiam…” / Various #PinkFloyd songs that might have been overplayed by radio / “I knew you were gonna say that!” / “If I had to take it off…” / To skip, or not to skip? / “I gotta say one that’s gonna piss everyone off…” / #SkippableSlayer (is there such a thing?) / Sorry, it was the wrong #cunttreeguy
(1:05:28): “What about #Ozzy?” / *** What are YOUR favorite #OzzyDeepCuts? *** / CENTRE OF ETERNITY (almost kind of a #ZakkWylde sound) #alrightythenASMR (“Anything but the green ones…”) / “How about #VanHalen?” / “Is Jamie a girl or a dude?”/ #overmuch / “How about we play a #deepcut?” / “My parents were too poor to have radio…” / I’M THE ONE / “There’s one song…if I had to pick…” (and another #LetterKenny reference…) / Artists, STOP selling your music to corporations to use in advertisements! / “Dude, they played that on 96 Rock during the day all the time…” / #twilighttime / #antieverything / “They go so well together…” / #peanutbutterbaconandjellyASMR
(1:22:03): “I could go the rest of my life without hearing…” / #drugdealerASMR “Physicians Assistant #feelgood / Most overplayed since 2000… / Gimon & Sarfunkel / #follicleboner / “Maybe that wasn’t as hard as I thought it was…” / And now, it’s time for the #RapidFire segment…/ #worknoiseASMR / Wait…#Loverboy!? / “So, it’s overplayed but it’s still your favorite?” / And now back to some more metal and some more rapid fire… / “Comfortably Numb, Part Two…” / “I think they do it at #sportsball tournaments…” / “Your funeral is gonna be awesome, dude…” / “That song should be buried…” / #Anthrax ANTISOCIAL (It’s a cover by #Trust, the band where Nicko McBrain came from… before #IronMaiden) / “Is this a deep cut? I don’t think so…but it’s NOT overplayed…” / #inityeah / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR THIS EPISODE OF METAL NERDERY PODCAST!!!*** / #tobefair #thelastword #goodbye / ***BE SURE TO STOP BY THE #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE AT !!!*** / #outroreel #lessirony #miscnoises #fatthumbs #hugefan