Vol. I: The 80’s
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For the inhabitants of the Bunkerpoon, Georgia Tech’s college radio station (WREK 91.1FM) and their weekly, late-night metal show (WREKage) was our very first exposure to one of the titans of “The Big Teutonic Four” of thrash metal, Germany’s KREATOR. In fact, for many of us in and around the tri-county, metropolitan Atlanta area, that was the only place in the late 80’s where we’d hear them (at least on the radio anyway…).
Endless Pain (1985)
Pleasure to Kill (1986)
Terrible Certainty (1987)
Extreme Aggression (1989)
Coma of Souls (1990)
It’s time to break out your “thirstables” and bear witness to the best Jagermeister conspiracy theory you ever heard as you get “shiny” and prepare to be “thumb blasted” while slurping on Germany’s most consumed digestif. Prepare for “a clean wipe” around the old “chocolate Satan”
and JOIN US as we go INSIDE THE METAL with KREATOR -Vol. I: The 80’s.
Show Notes:
(00:01): “It’s time for some #thirstables / #theunscrewing #thisepisodesclinkyoftheepisode / It’s time to get annihilated…#jager #coldbrew #jagercoldbrew #ahhhh #deliciousness (and #jagershakes) / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “It’s got the #Jager twang to it…but it’s better than regular…” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH RELAXING ANESTHESIA AND DEATH METAL BURPS!!!*** / The best drug conspiracy theory ever regarding Jager / #jagermeistercoldbrew #waitwhat #druglegalizationASMR and the old-school #jagermeisteropiummyth (That sounds “typical” af… #allbyhimself) / “That’s too much math, bro…” / #wormwood and #absinthe / “It is a different feeling…” / #uhsorry & #legalization #onmicburpASMR/ “That would be exciting…” / #staranise or #licoriceflavored (also with some evil demon infusion…) “It’s a process…”
Beer of the Episode Impending Doom
Hazy Double IPA #heavyseasbeer
(04:44): This was based on looks alone… / #albumcover (Oh boy…) #HazyDoubleIPA #ImpendingDoom #HazyJuicy #ninepointfivepercentABV #heavyseasbeer #puertorico and #baltimoreMD #TheVerdict (“Smells like weed…good grief…”) / “A little bit fruity…” / “That’s a potion kinda thing…” #itmakesthejagertastebetter / “I’ll get through it…” #sportswords / #NationalChampionGeorgiaBulldogs (“I’ll just say that at a bar……”) / #itsjustme #thankyou #heavyseasbeer (“I did buy this…”) #onmicburpASMR and #metalnerderyland #beerconsumers / #ValentinesDayMassacreASMR / “All the like and all the love…” / “Welllllll….” / #wellnesscheck and #dingdongditch (DO NOT DO THIS EVER!!!) / #swatting is illegal / “I’m a #misanthrope…” / #zerohope (“I would not make it through #StarWars…”) / ***Why do we only hear about negative news in the news? Is there not anything GOOD happening anywhere anymore? (That was rhetorical…Quit creating all this non necessary expensive nonsense!!! )/ “The porn version of Face Book?” / #instatits #instagina #stillIG #thevoicemailsegment ***GIVE US A CALL AND LEAVE US A VOICEMAIL AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / “He’s back…” #thereturnofpissingpost ***Go check out the recent #stonermetalvolumefive episode…*** #loveyou / “Hold your fucking horses…” / #randymachomansavageASMR (Is it #wrestling or #wrastling or #bolth?) / #darksideofthering (on #hulu) / “Go ahead, get it out…” / #freeplug and the woes of the years of #yore when #cabletelevision was something that only the #uppermiddleclass could afford in the 80’s.) #tbs #marathon (Holy fuck, that’s a lot of fucking wrestling!!! #brotherbrotherbrother) / “Cockwinkle?” / “They were like the boy band of wrestling in Texas…”/ “Yes, probably so…” / Massively gruesome tales in the #wrestlingcommunity (“They kinda go together…a little…”) #RussellsReflectionsTangentionalEdition / A documentary about #RickFlair / “That guy…” #whooo / #ooohhhyeeeeauhhhh / Some background #RandySavage #backstory / “His inner misogyny came out…” / “It’s one thing to say…” / “It’s choreographed…it’s real!” / #RussellsReflectionsASMR
(19:39): “Did we have any #shittah?” / WE’LL PLAY YOUR SHIT-TAH!!! / #ActusReus #markthetime #fatthumbs #markthetime #thumbblasting #perfectsoundeffect www.actusreusband.com (***Go check out our #BehindTheMetal episode with Actus Reus #inthebunkerpoon*** ) ***GO SEE ACTUS REUS ON TOUR!!!*** / THE COPS AREN’T COMING (on the #YouTube) #featuringvocalsfrom Luke Marlowe #YosemiteInBlack (Smite?) / ***Go check out the video…*** / “That’s The (#CENSORED) word for (Insert redaction) people” / “You can’t say any words…” #nowordsallowed / “Oh wait, so I get to do the #jingle then?” / #iguess ***You can email us at metalnerdery@gmail.com or hit us up on #instavag or #instabook*** / “It’s way better than doing it dry, bro…” / “What’s wrong with shiny?” / “Oh yeah, let’s sing it!” / ***WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR US DO A MASTODON episode!? Lettuce know!!!*** / “That doesn’t help…” / “I saw ‘em at #SixFlags one time…” / “It wasn’t here…” / #Scar-duh…” / “That could be the name of our band…”
(28:27): #TheDocket #Kreator (Vol. 1: The 80’s) / Welcome back to Milly… see also #episodeone / Mailing lists…the internet before the internet was the internet…” / First Kreator experience… and #TerribleCertainty / Part of the #TeutonicFour (#RussellsWrongASMR) #googleit / #killeropener (***What’s their mascot’s name?***) / #ViolentMind (“It seems so formal…”) / “It’s Charles Xmen…”
(32:40): #killeropener ENDLESS PAIN (From “Endless Pain” – 1985) / Bringing it back around to #RussellsReflectionsASMR and #DecimationASMR / “Which is amazing…For a…” / Which one has #allthecokelines? / ***BTW, DON’T BREAK YOUR BONE!!!*** / TORMENTOR (think “Hit The Lights” but next level…German thrash style) / “Black Metal and Thrash Metal…” / “It’s so pure…” / “Can we hear a little bit of #Bonebreaker?” BONEBREAKER / #truckername
(39:43): “Less than a year later…” / Pleasure to Kill – 1986) / “…landmark thrash album…” / “Death Metal?” / #WREKboneASMR / #tittleetrack #alltheballs PLEASURE TO KILL (Can YOU #drumfill like that!?) / “I’m telling you, you’ve heard this on #WREKage…” / “Just a little bit…” RIOT OF VIOLENCE #moshpart (That’s almost melodic in a weird, Kreator kinda way) / It’s almost strangely atonally melodic / FLAG OF HATE / “That’s WREK all day…in the day time.” / “NO!” / “I’ve been nice…I wanna be liked…” / #idontlikethisfuckingbeer #judgementcall #theaterofthemind
(47:52): “This is the one I bought…” / Terrible Certainty – 1987 / “I don’t think we have to, but I kinda want to…” / “There’s a lotta coke lines on here…” / TERRIBLE CERTAINTY (#justatinge) NOTE: the lyric in question is from #HallowedPoint / #waitaminute (Which one came first?) / That was Seasons, but we all missed the song…because #relaxers / “He might have run out of mucus…” / TOXIC TRACE #whoa #hammerdown (That’s fucking fast!) / “Lars would not approve…” / #andjusticeforalltreatment / #justonemore #untilitsover #softintro BEHIND THE MIRROR (“It’s like all the coke lines except one…” / #veggie / ***EP’s were not included, our apologies*** / #cleanwipe / “Warm or cold?” / #highsociety /
(58:56): “I do remember that…” “Extreme Aggression – 1989” / A little background info regarding the old #WREKage radio show #GeorgiaTechCollegeRadio / “We did not play there…” / “Chocolate satan?” / “We could do it…” / #RussellsReflectionsExtendedNonsenseDubMix / “I know they played that on WREKage a lot!”/ #killeropener EXTREME AGGRESSION (Look up the greatness of producer #RandyBurns…note the extreme Progression of the production on this record!) / “Cool, let’s give it a listen…” BETRAYER #peakingonarollercoaster
(1:06:22): “Yeah, probably…” “Coma of Souls – 1990” (Is it really their #BlackAlbum?) / “I’ll bet they’d be even more ultra-aggressive…” #uncalledfor “It was in the ‘40’s, man…” / #mathman (“Guess what…”) #allthecokelines PEOPLE OF THE LIE (elements of groove?) / “Tell me if this isn’t a #blackalbumguitarsolo right here…” / “Bob Rock wrote that whole solo…” / TERROR ZONE (“That’s Russell with the #STMoment of the episode…”) #universe #creepyharmonyASMR / “He’s still Mille!” / WORLD BEYOND “Aww yeah!” #oldschoolthrash #fullspeedahead (“That’s perfect.”) #deepcut / “When they get older and better…perfect.” #precision #awwwman #guitarbone #KreatorVol1The80s / “We’ve got a couple more decades…” / ***Go check out Kreator on tour and buy their shit-tah!!!*** THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** “Okay, you know what…?” / ***GO CHECK OUT THE #BUNKERPOONGIFTSHOPPE AND PURCHANDISE SOME MERCHANDISE AT metalnerdery.com/merch / #untilthenext #thelastword #outroreel #theperfectending #funniestendingever #ProductionGenius #MCTentacleMegaMix