Inside The Metal
70’s Style
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The 1970’s is one of the greatest decades in the history of the development of modern metal. Back in the 70’s, it was not at all uncommon to get 2 albums from the same artist within the same year!
During the 70’s, you’d drop the needle on the record, turn on the lava lamps and the black lights, indulge in your preferred relaxer of choice, and be instantly transported to an alternate dimension of sonic bliss where, again, it was not at all uncommon to have the entire first side of an album consist of one song, especially when listening to RUSH and their trailblazing, early progressive metal output from the 1970’s.
Studio albums from the 70’s
Rush (1974)
Fly by Night (1975)
Caress of Steel (1975)
2112 (1976)
A Farewell to Kings (1977)
Hemispheres (1978)
RUSH on the Interwebs
Get ready to hear “one of the angriest riffs of 1976” while enjoying one of the most mind blowing “one take wonder” epics of all time with a massive “priapism of percussion” (aka “drumbone”).
Prepare to learn about our 3-point plan to make the world a better place (including “fireproof trees”) and JOIN US as we extend our gratitude to the Godfathers of Progressive Metal hailing from the Great White North: the multi-instrumental, multi-tentacled (and multi-lingual) genius of Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart: the “Holy Triumvirate” aka the Toronto Prog Wizards known collectively as RUSH, as we go Inside The Metal, 70’s Style!
Show Notes:
(00:01): #thinlymixed / #TheBanksBoysBand / #heavythin / “Is that #Sanka or #Folgers?” / #instantcoffee #commercials / #BlackRoast / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “Hittin’ me straight right in the YEAH!” / ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST WITH BLESSED AMOUNTS OF ANESTHESIA!!!*** / #notglee / #eightouncecup (***”aren’t we approaching…the one year anniversary?”*** / #thesecondchronicles / “Let’s see what happens…” / “It’s all of ‘em…” / #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #nationalchampionship #sportsdogwords #TerrapinBrewery #BerlinerStyleWeiss #TeaTime #giveitacrack (#solidbeachbeer)
Beer of the Episode
Terrapin T-Time
/ “You’d have…the perfect blend…” / #unsweetteaflavor / “If it had just a touch of sweetness…it’d be perfect.” / #PulpFictionAnalogies #BigKahunaBurgerASMR (“Some #pigface…”) / “I’ve done that…it’s not bad.” / #itsnotracist (“How the fuck are they on fire?”) / #HAARPASMR / NOTE: we are NOT being facetious… / “So everything burned down…but the trees?” / “Obviously…anyway…” / #badlandmanagement / “Purple fire?” / “Purple SMOKE?” / #Seriously / #RussellsReflections #wedidntask / “We counted and left…” / “My favorite are…” / “Everybody was on coke…” / #brotherexponential #brotherbrother (“The Dark Side of the 90’s”) #TheViperRoom / “#SteelPanther when they were #MetalShop”/ #prenineeleven #pre911 / “The power’s in his #dreadlocks bro…” / “everybody needs fire…and explosions…Bill knows!” / #TheChroniclesPartTwo #TheReChronicles #KISSALIVESUPERDIVEASMR #NONONO / “The REALLY obnoxious #hairmetal…” / “Reflections in #WheelersWorld…” / #StewieASMR / #KillTonyASMR/ “I don’t know this for a fact…but every episode I’ve watched…” / #somethingsomethingnews / ***NOTE: There are exceptions…*** / “I almost…get more of a thrill…at seeing how fast I can make people leave…” / #helpingtheworld #feedthehungry #overonehundredpages #itshuge (“Last weekend?”) / #RussellsReflections regarding #SublimeLyrics #TheWrongWay / “Ohhh, speaking of…” / #PeteOPhayisle / “A waft of smell…” / “Everything…” / #thatsactuallyacrime /
(20:23): “Do we have any #shittah?” / #email (you can email us at ) #YonderWaysMetalFestival #EmberingEffigy (“Oh, that dude?”) / #redditnotification and the mystery of #responsemessages / #dangole #groovethrash #seekingdrummer #workingband / “The sound of local metal…” / “He’s a big fella…” / #coollogo / “It’s like #blackmetal but you can still read it…” / #WellPlayYourShittah
(25:52): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PRESENTS: RUSH – INSIDE THE METAL (70’S STYLE) / “It makes just as much sense…” / ***Check out our #CanadianMetalEpisode!!!*** / The transition from the debut album to Fly By Night / “They’ve got the biggest sound of ANY 3 piece!” / #instrumentaltentacles (“It’s a little weird…”) / Initial reflexes: “Is that #LedZeppelin?” / RUSH (1974): FINDING MY WAY (“I don’t know how he does it…”) / WORKING MAN #96RockInTheDaytime #Bigly #separatevocaltracks (“Those guys are good at doing that…”) / FLY BY NIGHT (1975) / No pressure… / #romanticproggers / ANTHEM #earlymetal #earlyprogmetal (“I wonder if they KNEW…”) / #seventiesphaser (“He’s playing THAT bassline…and singing!”) / BENEATH BETWEEN & BEHIND (“That’s a LOT of work!”) / “I’m either #chugging or #strumming…” / “To be fair…” #herewego (“It’s affected his mind…”) / FLY BY NIGHT #radiosong #hitsingleASMR
(40:08): CARESS OF STEEL (1975) / “It’s quite a bit to digest…” / Artists from back in the day… / #killeropener BASTILLE DAY / “It does take a minute to get started…” THE NECROMANCER #progmetalgenius #earlydoomprog #megamix #soundtrackofrelaxersASMR / “There’s not a lot of music like that anymore…” / ***DOES ANYONE LISTEN TO FULL ALBUMS ANYMORE!?*** / “Don’t talk like that…” / #motivationalmememoment / “This was the #breakthroughalbum…” / 2112 (1976) / One of the greatest facets of album rock from the 70’s: one song as an #albumside / 2112 #blackholeish (“It sounds like this, dude…”) / #echochamber #IYKYK (“that’s an #angryriff for 1976…”) / “Please…and thank you.” / “Floyd was also #progressive…not as heavy as #RUSH” / “It’s fuckin’ weird…take a sip…” / “He’s had it 4 times…” / #TheVerdict (“I don’t know if I like it or not…”) #Gosa #SpicyMargarita (“You can taste the pepper immediately…”) / “I kinda like the pepper though…” / #beeroftheepisodeparttwo #TerrapinSpicyMargarita (“I think I like it…”) / TWILIGHT ZONE (“It grew on me…”) / SOMETHING FOR NOTHING (“That’s where all the action is…”) / “They’re not playing straight…” / “Bass players may not understand this…”
(1:00:19): What a track record… / A FAREWELL TO KINGS (1977) / “Apparently… #onetake….” #onetakewonders / XANADU #pleasuredome #veryvisual (“You gotta have robes, man…”) / #heldwithinthepleasuredome (“To break my fast on #honeydew”) / CLOSER TO THE HEART (“Philosophers & plowmen…”) / #NO / ***What was the first #progmetal album? *** / ***Go check out our 70’s Metal episode for a walk down memory lane! And our #CanadianMetal episode as well!!! *** / “This is definitely a #headphonealbum #thiswholealbum CYGNUS-X1 #gradualfadein #thisnextpart (“This is so badass…”) / #soundsofspaceASMR #moog #basspedals (It’s like pre-thrash…”) / #drumbone #trumpbone / CYGNUS-X1: BOOK TWO: HEMISPHERES (1978) / “There’s a chord that Rush has…in all of their music. It’s very specific…” / “It’s only 18 minutes…” / “Balls in the way?” / CIRCUMSTANCES (#killeropener #sidetwo) / “They’ve got FRAUNCH right there in the vocals!” / TREES (“I feel smarter, after I listen…”) / The transition of Rush’s progressive sound from the 70’s into the 80’s / “I would kinda argue that it is…” / ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR PART 1 IN OUR QUEST FOR ALL THINGS RUSH!!!*** / #thelastword ***WELCOME TO THE BUNKERPOON GIFT SHOPPE!!! PLEASE COME PURCHANDISE ALL OF YOUR #METALNERDERYPODCASTMERCH AT / #outroreel #theresnosoundinspace