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For most SLAYER fans, Tuesday, September 11, 2001, began as every other new music release day would: we all anxiously anticipated stopping by the record store after work to pick up a copy of their brand-new album, GOD HATES US ALL

Words cannot describe the eerily psychotic synchronicity that seemingly linked the atrocities of that day with the timing of the release of SLAYER’s 9th studio album. Still, after twenty-three years (and counting), one thing remains unchanged:  GOD HATES US ALL may have been the lone moment of redemption during America’s darkest hour, chock full of brutally scorching riffs, hostile vocal vitriol, and a creepier sonic signature that makes this one of the landmark albums of the band’s career.

Released 9/11/2001

Label American Recordings

Producer Rick Rubin (exec.) Matt Hyde

1 Darkness of Christ

2 Disciple

3 God Send Death

4 New Faith

5 Cast Down

6 Threshold

7 Exile

8 Seven Faces

9 Bloodline

10 Deviance

11 War Zone

12 Here Comes the Pain

13 Payback


Get ready to experience “Dumb and Dumber: The Box Set” and keep in mind that “the mind of a psychopath is different than ours”. Prepare to revisit the weirdness of the “sour cream vs mayonnaise paradox”, brace yourself for the answer to “is it chunky or is it crunchy?”, remember that “pizza dreams are the same as fever dreams” and understand that “Bram Stroker” is a much different dude than “Bram Stoker” when you JOIN US for a dive into the sonic devastation that SLAYER fans worldwide “will never forget”: GOD HATES US ALL.


Such a strange, frantic way to open the album. The sound of a sonic whirlwind of destruction, with multiple, ominous references regarding the unmaking of the world and the end of time.


“Life prays for death in the wake of the horror of these revelations

It’s never imagined how graphic the reality

That would be known as the end of creation would manifest itself

We believe all this chaos and atrocity

Can be traced back to one single event…”


Considering that this album came out on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, when The World Trade Center Twin Towers (and Tower 7) were both destroyed by airplanes, causing their eventual collapse (even though NO planes flew into Tower 7), there’s an eerie level of darkness and twisted synchronicity that seems built into this song in a most uncanny way. 


It’s almost chilling how this album and 9/11 are connected. On the day (09/11/01), it literally felt as if GHUA were the official “Soundtrack To The Apocolypse”, as it seemed that the day itself was the beginning of the end of everything.


“Drug abuse, self-abuse, searching for the next high

Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time

I’m waiting for the day the whole world fuckin’ dies…”


Another weirdly prophetic and eerily coincidental track to mark the events of September 11, 2001.


The backing whispers in the middle section before the solo add a nice additional layer of creepiness. The ending with the double bass finishes hard as fuck.


“Deaths design blood splattered wall

Face melting one vicious whore

Twisted figures flesh from bone

Down on your knees 

You’re screaming out to die…”


It’s weird: even though it starts off with what seems like a generic riff, it still fucking rocks!!! The chorus is fucking brutal and powerful. 


The change in the middle is sort of bizarre (and perhaps even a bit off-putting and exhausting), as it changes into a completely different song altogether, something that Slayer is no stranger to doing. It’s like that entire first part of the song is just gone forever and “Oh, by the way…we’ve moved onto something else now.

“Holy man come and worship me,

I am all that you ever wanted to be

I’m the life of indulgence you never knew,

The epitome of evil shining through…”


Slower and way heavier, but definitely a bit of a breather relative to the pace of the first 4 tracks. The chorus has a very concussive, almost vicious element to it. 


This is where the world of money changes nothing”


The riff during the chorus has a very heavy, almost hypnotic, droning vibe to it.


“Just a statistic in the shadows of the real world

The system’s failing you just the way it failed me

Hell is home on the concrete where the city bleeds

America - home of the free - land of fucking disenchantment…”


The song is cool, but somehow it feels like it’s trying too hard, lyrically and musically. Probably the least fave track on the album (at least for THIS nerd, anyway…). Still, it’s not bad, but it’s definitely not the best. A shawty, clocking in at 2 ½ minutes.

“Never wanted bliss never wanted you

Never needed anyone I’ve polluted

Everything you feel everything you are

Everything you’ll ever be you repulse me…


This sounds like the perfect soundtrack to listen to while ripping The Enemy’s arms off and then proceeding to beat the ever-living shit out of them (with them). Straight up fury and rage. 


On 9/11/01, this song in particular really drove the point home about exacting revenge on the assailants of our Republic with violently savage brutality and vengeance. The way it finishes out is absolutely pure, undiluted, murderous hostility (“Just DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”).


“Get out of my face - get out of my life,

Out of my fucking way - just die.”


Dark and creepy intro with an equally dark and creepy scream that mimics Angel of Death but in a much more agonizing and brutal way. 


Clearly, Seven Faces is a direct reference to The Seven Deadly Sins (which, by the way, are: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Sloth, and Wrath). Definitely one of their heaviest songs, not just on this record specifically, but inclusive of their entire catalog.


Something about the heavier, groovier Slayer tracks is as impressive, if not more so, than the ultra-fast super shred thrash of yore.

“Everyday I look in the mirror

Staring back, I look less familiar

I’ve seen all seven faces

Each one looks a lot like me…”


Originally featured on the Dracula 2000 soundtrack. Another slower, heavier, groovier one. Be sure to check out the video for this track. Pretty rad watching the Slayer dudes thrash out in suits, dressed up like undertakers and covered in blood from head to toe.

“I’ll kill you and your dreams tonight, begin new life

Bleed your death upon me let your bloodline feed my youth…”


The airline/air traffic control sounds in the background along with the screaming at the very beginning eerily emphasized the severity and creepy uncanny horror that manifested on Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001. Just murky, evil, darkness…the kind you can’t wash off or escape from.

“I will live through this forever

I have done the things you grieve,

As you kneel before its evil,

My face is the last you’ll see…”


On 9/11/01, hearing this song had Americans incensed and ready to commence tearing The Enemy into a thousand shards and scattering them into flames and burning them into ashes of nothingness. 

Perhaps the most aggressive song on the record. If this doesn’t fire you up for vengeance, then nothing will. 

The drum fills at 1:36 are tribal and pummeling…the sonic equivalent of bludgeoning The Enemy into human meat paste. At under 3 minutes, it’s potent, aggressive, and fitting, especially on the day of the most horrific attack ever perpetuated on U.S. soil.


“I am the wall you can never climb

I am the pain that you feel inside

I bring it all let the show begin

I am the war you can never win…”


Again, a perfect ballad of hatred to convey to The Enemy exactly what sort of vengeance is headed their way. Several million pissed off Americans were ready on that day to rip The Enemy to shreds for perpetuating such a cowardly, dickless, bitch slap against our nation.

“Bring it all on come and take on what you fear

I’m the storm that towers overhead

Ticking time bomb with an infinite charge

Bringer of torture the master is here

Everyone falls…”



You can practically hear Beavis and Butt-Head in the background shouting with unbridled glee. 


Easily one of Slayer’s most viciously brutal songs ever; just a tsunami of aggression, rage, vengeance, and personal warfare. Probably one of their strongest closers ever.


“I will never become your fucking scapegoat

I don’t know how it feels to come up short

I only want vengeance to come shining down on me

I don’t want you to die before I get the chance to kill you myself…”



Show Notes:

(00:01): “It’s like #tonguetiponly …”/ “Oh my God…”/ #sweetlittlememe / “But that guy…he fucked EVERYTHING up…”/ “It’s like #DumbAndDumberTheBoxSet …”/ “It’ll be the day after…”/ “We’re time lords, we can do whatever we want…”/ #schoolshootingASMR / “Investigated by the FBI…a YEAR ago…”/ “There’s been like 40 already this year…”/ “That’s why they need to arm the teachers…”/ #schoolpoliceforce / #tobefair / “Usually they blow their own brains out…”/ #LikeFatherLikeSon / #themindofapsychopath / “I might be in trouble…”/ “That’s not how I was expecting that to go…”/ #deadface #MKUltra / “You know there’s something in the food…there’s something in the air…”/ “Not #cumtrails …”/ “My dick’s never been cleaner…”/ #dadoftheyear / #allegedly / “Maybe we should pour things up…”/ #threemilkpussyASMR #tresleches #creampiecake / #bannedbandbandana / ***WARNING: #listenerdiscretionisadvised *** / “It’s gotta be a big dog though…you don’t want a Pomeranian…”/ “The world has too many #probrems…”/ ***WELCOME BACK TO THE METAL NERDERY PODCAST IN SUPER HI-FI TECHNICOLOR!!!*** / #shadesofshame / #noshame / “You know…the moment you fucked up?” / #tacobellvomitusASMR / #JackDanielsAndPizza / “It was after that show…when I touched the AIDS rail…”/ “Mines only 4…”/ #markthetime / Mayonnaise vs Sour Cream #HeadToHeadDeathMatch / “Those are words that don’t go together…”/ #thisepisodesbeeroftheepisode #coffee #RebelHardCoffee #TwelveFive (or #Twelve5) / #CityGateSpiritsPeanutButterWhisky / “A quarter of a fucking century…and we DID IT this morning!” / #happyanniversary / ***IF YOU WANNA SKIP THE nonsense, go to #thedocket >>>***


(14:05): #PatreonShoutOut ***Go check us out on patreon.com/metalnerderypodcast *** / #Yonderways

#EmberingEffigy / “Eulogy…Effigy is like…like at #BohemianGrove or #BurningMan…”/ #spareribbikinis / “You can take a bite if you want to…”/ “That’s that preacher dude…the weird one…”/ #demoneyes / “The old school Lord was more Tarentino…”/ BROKEN PROMISES / “Are those deer horns?” #antlerish #animalmurderers / “We wouldn’t have sandwiches…or steaks…or chicken tenders…”/ #KennethCopeland / “Oh My God, he’d eat your soul, dude…”/ ***You can get in touch with us via email at metalnerdery@gmail.com or check us out on #Instagram or #Facebook or #YouTube at #metalnerderypodcast or you can GIVE US A call and leave us a voicemail AT 980-666-8182!!!*** / #whoareyou #KenFromConnecticut / “Trendkill…”/ #dood / “Oh wait, do we have others?  Are you sure? It’s only been two weeks since we recorded…but we played ‘em (NOTE:  not sure that we did)” / #MrPB&J #WhatsItCalled? / “What’s each of yours’ favorite recent thrash album?” / “Is it chunky or is it crunchy?” 


(26:05): “Do you need to reflect first?” / “Everybody got #AIDS at the same time…#fullblown…”/ #mysterysick / “I take shots of #NyQuil and go to bed…”/ “I got up to 102…”/ “I got a little bit cringey…” / #buttheadface / “and again, I tested negative…”/ “You only have #feverdreams when you have a fever…”/ “What’s a fever dream?”/ “You’re trying to solve a problem that’s unsolvable…like trying to find $2.3 Trillion dollars…”/ #pizzadreams #spicyredsauce / “I had a weird craving for a #QPC…”/ #realmeatASMR / #RussellsReflectionASMR #QuickReflection / “Both doing the tongue…”/ #DragonConASMR / “I’m on board with slutty anything…”/ “That’s Bill’s favorite picture in the world…”


(35:37): #TheDocket METAL NERDERY PODCAST PRESENTS:  SLAYER – GOD HATES US ALL / Released Tuesday, September 11, 2001 / #09112001 / NOTE: #Slayer #GodHatesUsAll and #DreamTheater #LiveScenesFromNewYork both came out on 09/11/01/ “Did you know that this was the name of the album…beforehand?” / #newmusicreleaseday / Reflecting on 9/11 and the events of the day leading up to getting #GHUA / #NineElevenReflectionsASMR / “I thought there was a different one…”/ #GodHatesUsAll #AlbumCover / #crosshairs (“I got it…those Slayer guys are fucking hilarious!”) / “I’m sorry, what?”/ “The memory of that day ALWAYS reminds me of this…”/ “I won’t say favorite…but I was into other shit too…”/ “All people need now is just his name and his social security number…”/ “I was way into #Tool…”/ #markthetime / “Mainly #TheLoads …”/ “I listened to this almost everyday until we went to Afghanistan…”


(44:06): “One of the best openers ever…” / DARKNESS OF CHRIST / “We hold these truths to be painfully self-evident…”/ DISCIPLE #titletrack (“That’s so fucking Slayer, man…”) / “There’s a lot more heavy stuff on here too…”/ GOD SEND DEATH (“I kinda feel like he’s a #USPS guy…#GSD…”) / “This brought back the creepy like right up to the front…”/ “We’re back to beer…beer’s different than milkshakes…”/ NEW FAITH / “It’s a completely different song after that point…they never go back.”/ “I figured it out…perfect analogy…because this is an educational show…” / “Hold on, another #dickdream …”/ “It’s the same exact way…that might be the most perfect analogy I’ve ever done on this show…”/ #onmicburp / “This is #allegedly…”/ “And he’s sorta…not tall.”/ “He did it live (on #Netflix)…”/ “What does she sound like when she howls?” / “In the morning, if mom’s making noise…sorry.”


(56:41): CAST DOWN / #WNRD / “America, home of the free, land of fucking disenchantment…”/ “the next one…least favorite…I don’t know why…but it sounds forced.”/ #boostershoes / THRESHOLD / “The next one’s got the best yell…”/ #heattingle / EXILE #SamKinisonASMR / “That’s the ultimate #fuckyousong …”/ “It’s really…my orgasm noise…”/ SEVEN FACES / “They’re all close but they’re just different…”/ #PaulBaloffSlideASMR / “It’s memorable…”/ “The next one was on the #Dracula2000Soundtrack …”/ #BramStroker (“It’s a different movie…”) / #whatshertits (“What’s her tits?”) / “It’s like necrophiliac porn…”/ “He’s banging what’s her tits…”/ BLOODLINE / “Is Slayer’s slower, heavier stuff, doomy?” / “You can tell a difference…but they both fit.”/ “This was the last album with Bostaph until #Repentless came out…on 9/11/15” / #DonaldTrumpASMR / #unburdenedbywhathasbeen / #tandoorijerkchicken / #thepassageoftime #workingtogether #wordsaladASMR 


(1:16:28): “Tell me this isn’t creepy…” / DEVIANCE / “The liquidy, creepy guitars adds something to it…”/ #creepytalkingTom / #creepywhisperASMR / “They’re gonna go fight #TheWarOnTara …”/ WARZONE / “What are those rooms…where you can go in and destroy shit?” / #smashroom #rageroom / “A smashroom at 50? I’m probably gonna hurt myself…”/ HERE COMES THE PAIN #cantbeloudenough #CBLE (“This is one of those albums that has to be loud.”) / “It’s been a while since we’ve done one of those…”/ “We have better chemistry…”/ “I’m calling her!” / #whatshertits / #killercloser PAYBACK / “I think the ‘FUCK’ count may be up on this one…”/ “I don’t want you to die, before I get the chance to kill you myself…”/ “That’s his favorite album, dude…”/ “Dude, you’re really kinda acting like you don’t know anything about #KISS…”/ “If anything, it’s practical…”/ “Our birds are about the same size…”/ ***THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!!!*** / “That was a shitty day…except for the fact that this came out…”/ #nerdout #untilthenext / ***COME PICK UP YOUR METAL NERDERY MERCH AT METALNERDERY.COM/MERCH *** / #outroreel